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Thursday, 28 February 2013


I received this in my emails today and feel there is a lot of worthwhile ideas in here. Anyway I have reprinted it with kind permission from its author.
Mass immigration is now at an all time peak.We have record levels of unemployment, treachery in Ulster, and are being dragged into yet another foreign conflict. Cameron & Clegg are busy privatising the public sector, and hell bent on forcing down wages, benefits and living standards to Third World levels (for everyone except themselves). And now the Israeli Murder Machine has gone into Blitzkreig mode (again).
In other words, there are plenty of issues for Nationalists to latch on to. Yet we seem incapable of making any impact with any of them.
Politically, we have simply ceased to count.
That is not because there is anything wrong with our ideology. Our ideas are not 'too extreme'. They don't need 'watering down' - they are simply NOT GETTING ACROSS.
That's the problem.
Ours is as much a battle of ideas - and we are losing that battle. Through monopoly media control, the global elite wages 24/7 cultural & psychological warfare against the White western world. And it does so with virtual impunity. Its arguments and assumptions go unquestioned and unchallenged.
The main reason for this predicament - as I see it - is failure to concentrate resources on creating a Nationalist media base as the main focal point for resistance. This is how many left wing & ethnic minority groups function, and from where they recruit support (please note). Influence comes before power, but we end up putting the cart before the horse every time!
If we want people to vote for Nationalist candidates and support Nationalism more generally, then they have to think and act like Nationalists first. The only way to achieve this is by creating a well-oiled publicity & PROPAGANDA MACHINE to pump out Nationalist ideas and annhilate those of our opponents.
Unless & until this is done, Nationalism is unlikely to make much headway. Contesting elections in such circumstances is simply a misapplication of scarce resources (with bugger all to show for the effort expended). We are pissing in the wind and getting very wet.
Now the internet is the best thing that could have happened for The Cause, yet it might as well not exist for the limited use we make of it.

So may I make this following appeal:
What we need is something like the old Spearhead magazine - but ONLINE, not in print. That is a high quality in depth website covering news, features & feedback. It should be up dated (ideally on an daily basis) & be capable of responding rapidly to present a Nationalist perspective on events. If we can't do this at the moment, then it is something well worth aspiring to.
I would have thought it should be possible to get together a small editorial team of Nationalists to make this a possibility. I'm prepared to do my bit by writing articles. Would anyone else be interested?
It's best done online as this the only way of getting to the public - whereas a magazine is only likely to be read by our own people.
The main focus could be globalisation, the new world order, multiculturalism, political correctness, anti-white racism, zionism, the Frankfurt School, race, economics & revisionist history, etc. The main target should be the political elite - politicians, the media, and all the other high profile collaborators and Quislings - academics, businessmen, celebrities ,and the like - who acquiesce in the ethnic cleansing of their own people. These traitors are fair game & legitimate targets. Their ethnic pedigrees & political affiliations need exposing, as do any other transgressions they may have committed.
The minor parties need debunking as well. They are a distraction and part of the problem too - especially those pseudo-nationalist outfits like the SNP, Plaid Cymru, UKIP & the English Democrats.
Original articles would be ideal & could be penned under nom de plumes, if need be. But that is not essential - at least not to start with. Non original material could be cut & pasted from a wide range of other sources (this is what UKIP & Migration Watch websites do). They could be extracted from the national/ local press, and from other genuine Nationalist websites (eg David Duke or David Irving). (Sources would have to be acknowledged, of course).
Would appreciate any feedback on this subject.
Things can't go on as they are. Nationalism is not a hobby or some form of recreational activity - like playing bowls or doing the garden - to while away one's time. It's a life & death struggle for the survival of our people. If we can't get our act together before much longer, we might just as well hoist up the white flag and call it a day.

Veteran Non-Aligned Nationalist


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