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Friday, 22 February 2013

German National Resistance

In reponse to my post "From Limbo to ?" - I have a large number of emails and texts - the below from my good comrade JIB is one suggested way forward - it certainly makes for thoughtful reading...

The way forward IMO is a number of loosely structured, non-party political groups similar to the way German nationalists increasingly are organising themselves.
Below I have put together some notes largely translated out of Metapedia Deutsch.

Freie Kameradschaften, Freie Kräfte or Freie Nationalisten are German terms (in English I use “Free Nationalists”) with which these groups describe themselves. As such they constitute independent support groups of the Nationaler Widerstand (National Resistance*) in Germany. In contrast to registered associations or political parties these groups do not have membership lists and this is a strategy to protect themselves against repressive units of state power.

The groups are autonomous with, above all, very good communications networks. According to the Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) in Germany it was estimated there were (in 2005) about 150 regionally and nationally active Free Nationalist groups with a membership each of between five to twenty people.

The ideology of Free Nationalists relies mainly on National Socialism and the so-called left wing of the NSDAP.

[* National Resistance (NR) is a generic term for an informal network of differing and independent national groups in Germany. The National Resistance is the unwavering struggle being waged for the protection of the German culture for the benefit of the German people and their civil rights and liberties.)

Organizational forms
The National Resistance is not a political party or organization in the usual sense. The NR is more a generic term (an umbrella org.) to provide unity to the different groups and thus preparing for the renewal and regeneration of the country’s future.
Every political party, every association, every group and every individual can be regarded as a part of the National Resistance, provided each one agrees with the fundamental objectives of the NR, and sees it a commitment to act to further these goals.
The National Resistance is mainly organized along the lines of Free Nationalists.

• Rejection of processes hostile to nature and the indigenous people of Germany
• Stop all internationalist one-world fantasy (multiculturalism)
• Protection of the national memory against ideological denigration of sections of the population.
• Rejection of swamping the country with foreigners from other continents.
• Fight against targeted denigration of our ancestors
• Elimination of rampant crime
• Create an economy that serves the country
• Reestablishment of a people’s community (Volksgemeinschaft)
• Protection and promotion of the family as the smallest unit in the state
• Restoration of the German Reich]


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