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Saturday 23 March 2013

The Fraud of Democracy

This is an article which I wrote back in the days of the WNP....though it needed an airing!

The most hyped up concept in the Western world is that of democracy. If something is undemocratic then it is bad. If something is democratic then its good. Every four years a great squabble is made in the United Kingdom over everybody over eighteen being able to place an "x" against some old Party candidates name. They get the chance to vote for Mr. Black, Mr. Brown or Mr. Pink, although all these three men, being Tory, Labour or SDP, all believe, apart from some tiny, totally irrelevant points in the same thing. Accordingly one of them, lets say Mr. Pink, the SDP candidate gets returned to parliament for four comfortable and well paid years. What does he do in those four years? Does he act as his conscience (if he/she has one dictates)? No. He follows the party line and as all the parties are the same and controlled by ZOG then he follows the ZOG line. So no matter which candidate the voter puts his "x" next two - he or she votes in a ZOG candidate! Even if there were fundamental differences between the Political Parties of the old system, would this sort of election be classical democracy? No. Because again the MP, often elected by a MINORITY of the voters in his constituency (the rest, because of our first past the post system) being unrepresented, will vote the way his Party Whip tells him. The Party Whip pushed its herd in the way the Cabinet tell them, and the Cabinet go the way that the Prime Minister usually on the advice of his top level CIVIL SERVANTS (all unelected!), tells them. So from the top of the heap to the bottom the whole of our much vaunted and guarded (sic) "democracy" is a fraud and a sham! I propose the following reforms:- 1. The immediate introduction of Proportional representation so that all are represented
2. The holding of regular Referendum on major national issues
3. The complete overall of the Party system to be represented by a Guild/Corporate structure which is the only true form of Democracy.

"What do you mean YOUR turn again?"

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