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Tuesday 18 June 2013

More suicidal cuts in Britain's armed forces!

Nearly 4,500 Army staff have been given their redundancy notices in the latest round of staff cuts, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.
A total of 4,480 are being axed as the Government tries to reduce the number of regulars by about 20% to 82,000.
 Our traitorous Coalition government says that those who take voluntary redundancy will be leaving within six months, and compulsory redundancies will be complete in a year.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the move was necessary to help balance the books, but insisted operational capability would not be affected.
Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has confirmed there will be no further reductions in manpower in the next round of spending cuts.
Announcing the latest tranche of redundancies, the third to arise from the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review, he said: "It is with great regret that we have had to make redundancies to deliver the reduction in the size of the armed forces, but unfortunately they were unavoidable due to the size of the defence deficit that this Government inherited.
 "Although smaller, our armed forces will be more flexible and agile to reflect the challenges of the future with the protection and equipment they need.
Shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy said the redundancy notices being issued today "represent not just broken promises but a failing strategy" to reform the Army.

And you'll do better will you Jim Murphy? As a member of a Labour Party which did its level best to make Britain defenceless you have no right of comment!
In 1978, the Army had over 178,000 members - down from 350,000 of ten years earlier. Blair and his successors keep plunging us into no-win wars which have nothing to with British interests. Our troops in Afghanistan are daily suffering casualties in a ZOG war of useless attrition - now they are talking of a commitment to the civil war in Syria - again, a war which might serve Israel's interest but not Britain's.
Bring our troops home from every foreign conflict which are not in our nation's interests and rebuild our armed forces form the joke number they have at the moment back into a world status power. The first duty of ANY government is defence. Since the end of the Second World War - every government has took its shot at decimating our armed forces. Regiments with a great heritage of gone with even more to follow.
In a world where we see the truly horrible sight of a British soldier - Lee Rigby - being slashed to death on the streets of our Capital City, the last thing we should be doing is reducing our armed services. Any government that does so is applying what can only be called traitorous and suicidal policies!
British troops being used as ZOG cannon fodder

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