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Friday, 19 July 2013

Britain needs 7 MILLION more immigrants over the next 50 years ... like a hole in the head

Britain needs 7 MILLION more immigrants over the next 50 years ... like a hole in the head

The liberal elite just never stop rubbing our faces in it, do they?  An Establishment report – from the Office of Budget Responsibility –argues we need to bring in 140,000 immigrants every year over the next five decades to pay for Britain’s ageing population.
We’ve heard these arguments umpteen times before, and they are totally bogus. Leaving aside the fact that we already have millions of British workers on the dole (and whose prospects of obtaining work would be diminished even further), it begs the obvious question of who will support these immigrants when they become old themselves? By bringing in yet more immigrants, presumably? Who in turn will need supporting by another lot of immigrants when their time is due... and so on.

You might be forgiven for thinking this was the economics of the madhouse. However, it’s nothing to do with economics at all, but everything to do with politics. Mass immigration is being used by the ruling liberal elites to transform White nations into non-white ones, and to replace western culture with a non western one.
And for no other reason.
There’s no economic or any other case for immigration, and for politicians and ‘experts’ to say so is a provocation and an insult to the intelligence of the British people. Especially in the current economic climate.
Britain is an overcrowded island, and has been for centuries. We can’t even support our own people from our own resources, let alone the millions who have settled here since 1945. So encouraging mass inflows is a fundamentally flawed proposition.
None of the ‘arguments’ put forward by Establishment politicians, economists, academics and other lickspittles, have a shred of credibility. One wonders if the people who penned this rubbish actually believe it. Presumably they were handsomely rewarded for their efforts.
What it all shows, however, is the lengths to which the Establishment – the three main parties, the media, the City of London, etc – will go to in imposing the New World Order. Globalisation requires the destruction of ethnically homogenous self governing states like Britain, and history shows that mass migration is a far more effective method for achieving this than military occupation.

Publication of this report blows sky high all government talk about curbing immigration. The civil servants have let the cat out of the bag. For that we should at least be grateful.

A sample of its blatant anti-British bias can be summed up in the following single sentence: ‘It seems probable that immigrants will make a more positive contribution to the UK public finances over their lifetimes than natives.’

If any other ethnic group had been maligned in this fashion the authors would have been carpeted by the Race Gestapo!

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