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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The National Front - a personal statement

I am happy to say that my application a few weeks back to re-join the Movement of which back in 1967 I was a Founder Member was approved. I can now carry once again a NF membership card.
I notice the rumour mill has started up straight away and I would like to state now, clearly and equivocally that I do not seek a position within the Movement.
I am very happy to stay as a rank-and-file member with my Comrades in this struggle.

I am sixty-four years old next week and I think it is time for the next generations of young White Nationalists to given their chance as we were, to initiate and lead.


I am concentrating on both this Blog and the weekly Nationalist Sentinel Bulletin which is now going out to hundreds of British Nationalists every week, and although an independent, it will editorially support the National Front. Plans are also in process to start a Nationalist Sentinel Face Book page - again independent but supporting our Movement.
If you wish to subscribe to the Bulletin just send an e-mail with "Subscribe" in the topic area and you will automatically be added.
I will of course be happy to speak or attend any Front meetings I am invited to and also use my - I hope - deep understanding of the great truths which underline the philosophy of White Nationalism in my writings and my poetry.
Should anyone care to use one of my articles then just let me know and I would be more than happy to have my message and thoughts used.
Other than that, the role of just being an ordinary, normal member with the rights and privileges membership of our Movement brings is more than enough!


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