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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Criticise Israel? You are anti-semite!

Once again we hear the world's Jewish community baying  for blood and the  victim this time - none other than celebrated cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. His deadly crime? He has published a cartoon in 'The Sunday Times' depicting the Israeli Prime Minister wielding a bloodied knife over a wall dripping with blood and crushing Palestinian victims between the cracks.
His worse crime - he did it near 'Holocaust Memorial Day' (yawn).
Once again ANY criticism of Israel - that blood soaked Bandit state that is carrying out a planned holocaust of its own, it smashed down by the massive World Jewish Lobby as anti-semitic.
Criticise ANY aspect of what Israel is doing and you must be the man who laid the foundation stone when they built Auswitzch.
The whole thing is of course ridiculous in the extreme. Britain should withdraw recognition of the illegal state of Israel and as we back the  NF, we would like to see the National Front declaring officially it does not recognise the State of Israel
Here's that offending cartoon - the figure with the knife is Isreale's Prime Minister, the truly awful man Netanyahu....

The Independent is running a poll as to wether Scarfe (forced by the arch Zionist Murdoch) to apologise for the cartoon and we urge visitors to register a NO vote (current around 75%!).
Should  they apologise for Gerald Scarfe's cartoon in the Sunday Times?


The Sunday Times has received complaints of anti-Semitism after a cartoon was published appearing to depict Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu building a brick wall containing the blood and limbs of Palestinians.

Scarfe told the Jewish Chronicle that he had not been aware it was Holocaust Memorial Day and “very much regrets” the timing of the cartoon.
Rupert Murdoch tweeted an apology reading:
“Gerald Scarfe has never reflected the opinions of the Sunday Times. Nevertheless, we owe major apology for grotesque, offensive cartoon.”
Do you think he was right to apologise? Vote below.

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