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Saturday 4 May 2013

May 2013 Elections - waste of valuable time and effort

Well the results are in for the charade we have to go through every May, when our helpless and dragooned people are herded reluctantly - for the most part - into assorted huts and sheds to put a their 'X'  against Labour, Tory or Lib Dem - like turkeys voting for a double Christmas this year.
You can hear your fellow White British folk in bus queues, pubs, shops and in the work place continually bemoaning the fact that 'they are all the same', yet still around 30% of our folk waste their time voting for one of the old the Old Gang parties  - all who have basically the same policies - Internationalist and multi-racialist. Each of these monstrosities daily falling over to placate itself at the altar of that Global monster known as ZOG.
Beside those however we see a new addition to the ZOG media allowed political entities - the United Kingdom Independence Party. That snake oil salesman, Neil Farage is gloating that his false flag party took 25% of the vote and now has around 150 council seats.

Above: Recent UKIP rally

Farage, I read the other day, is boasting he is taking votes from the BNP (not hard these days, it lost its last council seat on Thursday) and even the NF. Of course he is. The, er, Zionists (yes that's the word) who run the whole disgusting charade have now decided to parade out a new party which is pushing policies to get us out of Europe, stop or cut down on immigration and various other Nationalist policies.

...and of course the ZOG Media are accommodating Farage and UKIP. Countless hours of radio, TV and newspaper coverage are devoted to any word dropping from the lips of their latest Golden Boy, the viper Farage.
Farage however has to keep a wary eye on all those dreadful racialists, once members of the BNP and even the NF. Sadly I heard yesterday a comrade I had long regarded as a staunch racial-nationalist has gone over to UKIP, with the 'better than what we have got' excuse.
Keep away from UKIP! They are the latest weapon now being lauded by our Ancient Enemy to lure away White patriots from the real fight.
Farage and UKIP will be dropped like hot gold bars as soon as their usefulness is over.

Which brings me to my final comments - I do not believe that ANY British Nationalist party should stand in any election unless - and this is vital - they have built up a solid and cast iron strong infrastructure to give the candidate the best possible chance. Otherwise we stand and just show the Enemy our organisational weakness.
Elections are but a means to an end and in this stage in must be only to get members, enquiries and publicity. We will never get anywhere unless we see the beginnings of a mass Movement
......all I ask for is

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