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Sunday 5 May 2013

EDL march in Leeds May 4th

I promised in a post a couple of days ago that I would give a brief report about what happened yesterday regarding the EDL march against the Lingfield Pub in Moortown, Leeds being turned into a Islamic Centre. I am NO SUPPORTER of the EDL, but our intrepid cub reporter TAYSIDER went along to watch the events and gave us this report:-

Four arrests were made after an EDL demonstration in Leeds in which pigs’ heads were thrown at police (didn't see that myself).
Well over 100 police surrounded the EDL as they marched through Leeds’ Moortown estate - at the invitation of residents angered after the go ahead was given to plans to turn a derelict pub into a Muslim-run community centre.
A counter demonstration by the motley red scum of "Unite Against Facism", which attracted around 120 people, was kept apart from the EDL by dozens more officers.
Marchers were tightly contained by officers, more than dozen riot vans, two police horses and police dogs, after setting off from the nearby pub The Penny Fun, where they had been bussed in from the train station, after arriving from cities including Coventry and Newcastle.

The EDL marchers who were joined by quite a number of local residents were kept away from the Lingfield Pub itself, and corralled on a nearby roundabout. No clashes between the EDL and the Reds at the demo time but some may have occurred after leading to the four arrests. The red rubbish was about 1/4 of a mile away.

I am told Julian Marshall, a member of Lingfield Residents’ Association is on record as saying: “There were so many objections against it, not because it is a race issue(oh yes?), but there’s less than three per cent Muslim population on the estate.
“I wish it hadn’t come to this. It seems we have been completely and utterly betrayed by the council.”
Taysider - Nationalist Sentinel roving reporter.

A recent picture of Taysider - ready for action!

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