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Sunday 13 January 2013

UKIP drops queer loving youth leader

Although this is all over the news I have reproduced below the article published on the excellent Blog SOUTHEND NATIONALISTS - a well produced Blog which is up to the minute and updated regularly. This is a good Nationalist take on this issue which is ripping at UKIP.
UKIP Dumps Youth Leader

Olly Neville, the leader of UKIP’s youth wing, has been stripped of his post by the party leadership, after expressing his support for gay marriage on national radio.

Appointed as interim chair of Young Independence (YI) at the end of last year, he was told by the party’s chairman, Stephen Crowther, that comments in support of gay marriage were “completely at odds with party policy."

UKIP said that Mr Neville was removed for “misrepresenting UKIP policy” and not for his views on gay marriage.

Neville, 20, made his contentious comments on the BBC's World at One on New Year's Eve. Soon afterwards he was sacked.

Unrepentent, Olly Neville claims UKIP is on the "wrong side of public opinion and on the wrong side of history" on gay marriage.

Is he correct? Two YouGov polls in December 2012 found that 55% of the population was in favour of introducing same-sex marriage.

It depends on how the question is worded. In a ComRes poll for Catholic Voices, which asked if people agreed with the statement that:

“Marriage should continue to be defined as a life-long exclusive commitment between a man and a woman”

70% of people agreed, with 22% disagreeing. This would imply that anyone agreeing to this statement must be opposed to the laws on marriage being changed.

UKIP opposes same-sex marriage. Party policy statements on the issue state that legalising gay marriage would “risk the grave harm of undermining the rights of Churches and Faiths to decide for themselves who they will and will not marry”.

At the last election, none of the three main parties stood on a platform to redefine marriage.

It was not contained in any of their manifestos, nor did it feature in the Coalition’s Programme for Government.

Over 626,000 people have now signed the petition to defend traditional marriage.

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