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Sunday 13 January 2013

Ketlan Ossowski - to take over Searchlight?

Moving up in the ranks of the anti-fascists is the loud mouthed yob Ketland Ossowski. Named on Metapedia as a "Communist Jewish agitator" - their words not mine (in fact I was shocked!), Gerry "The Fable" Gable has been grooming (no, not THAT way) the strangely named Ossowski for the eventual editorship of the hate filled and lie ridden rag, Searchlight.
Ossowski has his own blog put has put little on it as his well paid job as a Searchlight "journalist" is now taking over his time.

He still gets along to Lancaster UAF meetings (he lives just outside Lancaster), but is less seen on the streets now he's snug and warm for the great day when Gerry retires.
Nationalist Sentinel will shed no tears when ex-burglar Gerry steps down - he is long overdue. Gerry can retire with his ghastly wife and once upon a time Nationalist, Sonia Hochfelder and then we predict the vile Ossowski will be well funded by Searchlight and their Board of Deputy backers along with Channel 4 and company.

Pictured left - Ketlan Ossowski on another anti-fascist violent demo we presume.
Osswoski gets sixty-one mentions on 'Jewish Gen' - the website devoted to Jewish people who wish to find their antecedents - this is just a  general piece of information.
Nationalist Sentinel owes a great debt of gratitude to Ketlan however for devoting a whole page in a  last years Seachlight just to promoting this Blog. Cheers for that K.O - any chance of another 'expose' please?

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