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Wednesday 27 March 2013



“Some People are Gay. Get over it!”

Millions of Londoners and visitors to our capital city will have been disgusted to see the sides of our famous red buses defaced by this odious and obnoxious advert. The offending message is prominently displayed - in massive lettering - along the entire length of each bus. It was paid for by Stonewall, the vociferous ‘gay rights’ lobby group.

One would have thought a supposedly non political public body like Transport for London (TfL) would not have permitted such blatant political sloganeering. It’s the kind of thing you expect to find in Soviet style totalitarian states, not in ‘democratic’ ones like ours.

Even worse, TfL -supposedly impartial -then turned down a counter ad. Had it been used it would have read:

“Not Gay! Ex Gay, Post Gay and Proud. Get over it!”

This second ad – clearly in response to the first one – was submitted to TfL by Core Issue Trust, a Christian campaign group. However, it was rejected out of hand by London Mayor (and TfL chairman), Boris Johnson, and that decision has just been re-affirmed by a High Court ruling.

The judge ruled that displaying the Christian ad – which suggested that homosexuals could be cured - would “cause grave offence” to the ‘gay’ community, and could even be perceived to be ‘homophobic’, etc.

Now that would never have done, would it?

 We are not in the least surprised by the outcome of this case. It stinks of political correctness, humbug and double standards of the worst sort.  THE ORIGINAL STONEWALL AD OFFENDED FAR MORE PEOPLE THAN ITS WELL DESERVED CHRISTIAN RIPOSTE WOULD EVER HAVE DONE, but as usual, the feelings and rights of the majority were completely ignored by Bimbo Boris and the rest of the ‘liberal’ elite.

Indeed, it’s unlikely that such considerations would ever have entered their lofty heads.

The blunt fact is that the ‘gay rights’ lobby couldn’t give a damn about how OFFENSIVE their behaviour is to everyone else – and some  go out of the way to be as OFFENSIVE AS POSSIBLE  – but they take the greatest possible exception to the slightest perceived OFFENCE to themselves  -even when that is well merited  or low key.

It seems they consider themselves to be untouchable (like certain ethnic minorities). Instead of chanting ‘racist’, they mouth ‘homophobic’, and usually end up bullying everyone else into getting their own way.
We are not in the least interested in what homosexuals – I refuse to misuse that word ‘gay’ – get up to beneath the bed sheets: Just as long as they keep it private and to themselves. But why do they keep on sticking up two fingers in our faces all the time, or demanding our approval for everything they do?
It’s not so long back that many clinicians diagnosed homosexuality as ‘sexual insanity’. Until 1973, the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association had it down as a mental disorder. Things have come a long way since then, so far in fact that ‘conservative’ governments now endorse same sex marriage and adoptions. What will be next on the agenda? One dreads to think.
‘Homophobia’ is one of those made up words – like ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ – that will you not find in any old dictionary. These three well worn words of abuse form part of the standard Marxist lexicon, the purpose of which is to silence and intimidate anyone with a different viewpoint to their own. It’s also a complete misnomer – revulsion, not fear is the main reaction to this narcissistic and ego-centric tendency.

 The term ‘homophobic’ was first coined during the 1960s by American psychologist George Weinberg. Don’t know about his pedigree, but it doesn’t look like an Anglo-Saxon name to me!




That disgusting advert!

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