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Friday 22 March 2013

Are YOU a White Nationalist?

Are YOU a White Nationalist? You might be and not even know about it! I have put together a 'we, them, and they' set of statements - see how you score.....

On Europe
White Nationalist - Get Britain out now and don't wait for a loaded refrendum.
Populist (Civic Nationalist) - Get Britain out but put your trust in a Tory worded referendum
Old Gang Parties - Keep us in - we need the fat pay checks from ZOG

Marxists - keep us in/get us out/ are we Xenophobic?

On Immigration
White Nationalist
Stop all immigration and start an immediate & compulsory system of repatriation of all non-Europeans. The basis of our population is based on homogeneous racial lines.

Populist - Er, stop immigration, well maybe not all. Anyone now living here who says they are British - they are immediately British. Don't mention 'race' - they'll call us racists and Nazis!
Old Gang - We can bring immigration down from 100,000,000 a year to 99,000,000 - we have it under control.
Marxists - recognise no borders or nations & encourage all the races to mix so we can have out famous Marxist Melting Pot (hang on isn't that New Labour as well?)

On Homosexuality
White Nationalist Re-criminalise the sickness of homosexuality. Ban its promotion in our schools and in our media.
Homosexuality is aimed at smashing the family - the healthy basis of any nation.
Populist - As long as they do it in their own homes we don't mind. In fact we now have a Gay section in the new British Democratic Freedom Independence National Party.
Old Gang - Encourage it at all levels - anyway Westminster would be half-empty if we banned the Gay community. We must promote Gay Pride and put down the very idea of the normality of family life.

Marxists - Encourage it at all levels (er - same as above really)

On Israel and the Jewish Question
White Nationalist - We totally oppose the illegal bandit state of Israel. We opposed World Wide Zionism as an integral part of the Globalist domination plan. Free discussion from the race acts (which we would repeal) on the Jewish Question and the Holocaust. Free debate in all aspects of history and the application of historical revisionism.
Populist - Oh my God! We'd get called Nazis! Some of our members support Israel and some do not. We recognise the State of Israel but the Jewish people have given a lot to Britain. Anyone banging the anti-semitic drum is just a dinosaur and a Nazi and (fill in the rest as you want, dear reader....)
Old Gang - We all have Israeli Friendship Societies - imprison anyone even mildly criticising Jewish people - in fact gas these horrible racists. We have made any rational debate on  the role of the Jewish people in British history, basically impossible.
Marxists - Support the struggle of the oppressed Palestinian people! Support the struggle of the Jewish people against the rise of the Neo-Nazis by violent attacks on all fascists.

Ok - just four leading points. I could go on but how did YOU do?
Are youa White Nationalist? Are you a prevaricating Populist or are you just a pinko or red with ZOG pulling your strings?

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