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Thursday 28 March 2013

North and South - why I support the Confederacy

I have always been a strong lover all things relating to the South and the defeated Confederate States of America. I have been taken to task by other White Nationalists about this as the US Civil War which lasted between the years 1861 and 1865 and claimed the lives of 646,392 White men from both sides, the Blue and the Grey.
Yes it was a fratricidal war and the cream of a generation of North American White men died, but had the South any other choice?
I do not think so. We forget over in the UK that the United Sates is made up of fifty states - and they all have seperate laws and State Governments (Legislatures).
The Northern abolitionists were determined to dictate policy to the Southern States over the issue of slavery - but much more than that - how the proud states of the South should suffer the diktats to what they saw as a cabal of money mad Northern industrialists.
I see it as a fight for much more than should slavery be abolished. I abhor slavery - it is uneconomic and leads in the long term to the disintegration of the slave state. This happened most significantly to Rome. In the South, I believe that even without Abe Lincoln's controversial forced emancipation, that slavery would have withered and died in the South of natural causes.

The Blacks were actually treated much better by the South than the North and in New York draft riots of July 13 to July 16, 1863 (for instance), hundreds of Negroes were horribly lynched - by Northerners NOT those 'racial bigots' of the South.
Yes the war was a cruel tragedy for our race - as are all wars where White man fights White man - usually for the same cosmopolitan rootless mob who urge on everyone but themselves to slaughter each other.
I look to the defiant stand of the South as an inspiration even these 160 years later to the fight we White Nationalists are fighting today.
The Conferedate Whites were fighting for the rights of White Racial independence - most of them couldn't give a damn about slavery.

Robert E. Lee is a good case in point. No lover of slavery and a West Point graduate, Lee nevertheless turned down leadership of the Union to take on the leadership of the Confederacy (which he did brilliantly) - BECAUSE Unionist troops were threatening to invade his home state of Virginia, which had seceded. Lee was a Virginian first and foremost and a White patriot.
So I love to see the 'Old Flag' of the Confederacy flying alongside British Nationalist flags at British marches and demos - it shows DEFIANCE!
When the Nationalist Alliance were demonstrating every time John Tyndall was in court over the race charges before he died - I made sure, as leader of the NA, that we always had a Confederate Flag showing too - and believe me the Red rabble hated the sight of us carrying that flag more than anything else!
 - Eddy Morrison (still an ageing Rebel)

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