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Monday, 11 March 2013

Tory Lies about immigration revealed


The recent ‘fall’ in reported net immigration is being cited as ‘proof’ that the government’s ‘tough’ line on UK entry is working.  Tory MPs are thrusting out their chests and patting themselves on the backs.

However, their enthusiasm is a bit premature. A closer perusal of the figures shows they have little cause for celebration.

The fact remains  gross (ie total) immigration is still well over 500,000 a year, and has been for the last 10 years – that’s FIVE MILLION plus.  

So instead of singing their own praises, a kick up the pants would be more appropriate (and preferable).

Latest ONS figures (for the year ending June 2012) put the total inflow of 515,000 as against an outflow of 352,000, leaving a net immigration of 163,000. The corresponding figures for the previous year were (inflow) 589,000, (outflow) 342,000 giving a net figure of 247,000.

Source: Long-term International Migration - Office for National Statistics


  1. Figures for YE Mar 12 and YE Jun 12 are provisional.

       2   Up to YE Dec 09, data are only available at six month intervals.


One reason for this slight drop is the reduction in foreign students (not strictly immigrants as their stay will presumably be short). Another is the rise in British emigration – which means we are losing some of our best people.

Of course, these figures do not include the (one million plus?) illegals.

And on top of this, we now face the daunting prospect of a new influx when restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians are lifted at the year end.

Then there is Turkey, ever eager to join the EU. And after that, which country will be next to join the queue? Israel? followed by the rest of Africa & Asia, perhaps? The mind boggles!

Upon EU enlargement in 2004, Labour liars assured everyone that there would be a maximum annual intake of ‘only’ 13,000 new migrants (at most). At the same time – and in complete secrecy – they swung the flood gates wide open to all & sundry.  Under their watch, annual net immigration quadrupled to 200,000. At least 500,000 Poles have settled since (and the figure could be as high as one million).

The Tories are no better than Labour: Remember all that talk by Mrs T in 1979 about the country being ‘swamped’. Well, that’s all it was – talk (about the only thing the Tories are good at). Those CONmen (and women) will say and promise anything to get elected.

The fact is we’ve long since ceased to be swamped, we are definitely sinking! And the Tories like Labour are part of the problem.

Cowardly UKIP is no better. They waffle on about ‘balanced migration’ and it being an issue of ‘space not race.’ This is a cop out and a fudge. It cravenly ignores the fact that immigration is changing the ethnic character and composition of Britain beyond all recognition.

Stopping immigration is simply not enough, however. If all immigration ceased tomorrow, INDIGENOUS WHITE BRITS WILL STILL END UP BECOMING A MINORITY IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY WITHIN THE SPACE OF A GENERATION. Immigration can only be reversed through REPATRIATION. It’s hardly rocket science - it’s a simple life & death issue about the survival of our people.

 There’s no other alternative.

So STOP immigration & START repatriation now!



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