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Friday 3 May 2013

By-Election Norden Ward -NF result...

Apologies to whoever sent me the text last week with this result. I should have published it then - anyway here it is:-

Results of the Norden Ward by-election
1st Con 1081
2nd Lab 627
3rd Lib 246
4th Peter Greenwood National Front 156 7.3% (Good result all things considered)
Turnout 27%

I have met Peter a couple of times and can confirm he is an excellent White Nationalist and tireless worker for The Cause - its a pity we don't have a lot more like him.
(below is from Rochdale Online giving fuller details.)

Peter Greenwood

Peter  Greenwood National Front
Norden Ward

Candidate Pitch

Dear Voter;
My name is Peter Greenwood. I am a grandfather and have served seventeen years in the British Army. I was born in Rochdale and have lived in Norden for over forty years. I am fighting this election because like you I am appalled at the policies of Lib-Lab-Con and what they have done to my country.
In any society those who can, do and those who can’t become system bureaucrats, politically correct policemen, social workers and “community workers” etc. They rely on tax revenues from the dwindling numbers of hard working citizens for their income.
And what are we promised every election? The same stuffed shirts, faceless careerists, do-gooders, busy bodies and timewasters whose only qualification to speak for you is the number of self serving Quangos they sit on. Reading the opposition literature I see cheap rhetoric about the “community coming together” etc. They cannot even conjure up a few empty promises.
Here is what I propose to do, should you elect me;
  1. Oppose any policy which caters to immigration - destroying the green belt and splitting our communities in half, I will not vote for a single motion which flies in the face of the wishes of Rochdale’s working families.
  2. Speak up for the victims of grooming gangs in the Town Hall where nobody else dare do so. All of the Rochdale political elite are afraid to discuss crime, drugs, grooming and immigrant fuelled crime in the relevant context of race.
  3. Most important of all I promise to speak up for the forgotten people of Rochdale. The productive, white, taxpaying majority who are being replaced in their own town and country.
If ever a town needed a National Front Councillor then please vote with courage this Thursday.

Votes: 156

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