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Sunday, 19 May 2013

FARAGE & ‘FASCISM’ by Nemesis

REAL nationalists have no time for Nigel Farage, or UKIP. The Establishment’s pet nationalist has been wined and dined, feted and given celebrity status ad nauseam. His face is in the papers, and he can be heard and seen on radio & television just about every day of the week.

So the disruption of his recent trip to Scotland by ‘fascist scum’ (his words) must have been something of a shock to him. Poor chap! He’s beginning to experience what thousands of real nationalists have had put up with for years.
Which all goes to show that it doesn’t matter how squeaky-clean, or ‘non racist’ or anti-racist’ nationalists try to make themselves  - as UKIP & EDL have done - or how many ‘Friends of Israel’ societies, or ‘anti-nazi’ divisions they set up.  
It makes not one jot of difference in the end. ‘Moderation’, ‘decency’ and ‘respectability’ are no guarantees of insurance against a baying Marxist mob.
If you stand up for Britain, or the British people, you have committed the ultimate crime in the eyes of the Establishment, and – sooner or later - going to get this type of treatment, especially if you enjoy some public support (as UKIP clearly does).

The SNP response was particularly despicable: In failing to condemn left wing thuggery, the party is effectively condoning it, and is therefore no better than the LIBLABCONs. The SNP is a pseudo-nationalist outfit which supports the EU and mass immigration. Like its Welsh & Irish counterparts, virulent anti-English racism is its main driving force.
We don’t have any time for the leadership of either UKIP or the EDL, but we defend their right to hold meetings/marches anywhere in the country and to do so without molestation.  
Farage was only half right.
The demonstrators who bust up his meeting were scum all right –commie scum (no need to use the ‘f’ word).  Mob violence, mass hysteria, moronic chanting and general mayhem have long been   standard Marxist tactics. The most likely suspects in this case being the ‘Radical Independence Campaign’– a ragbag collection of socialists, greens, nuclear disarmers, republicans, anarchists and the usual anti-British riff raff. All united in their hatred for Britain and a desire to break it up.

A R.I.C recent poster - says it all! Immigrants welcome!
99.99% of all political violence in this country can be traced to this source – the far left. That’s as true today as it was in the 1970s or 1930s.
‘Fascists’ – the real ones at least – don’t use such tactics. ‘Fascism’ is about order & discipline, not disorder and mayhem. So start calling a spade a spade, Nigel, and use the right word next time.


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