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Monday 6 May 2013

Remove the sword........

A short poem submitted today by Nationalist Sentinel supporter Peter Williamson which puts over the struggle against our Communist street foe, in the past, in the present and in the future.......

Remove the sword from our Brothers heart, then we find out to whom it belonged.
Be strong and be proud as the fight carries on. Because our people were wronged.
Our foes they  surround us as they did before.  And behind the police they will hide.
We'll raise up our flags with our heads held up high. It's our job to turn back the tide.
Back to back we stand in each other we trust, as the red scum they swarm all around.
There is only the one way that this one can end, because we never give up our ground.
So with blood on the floor our knuckles red raw, we will rout what is left of red scum.
We hail victory again without feeling pain, outnumbered once more yet we won.
Our love of our nation and race drives us on, we cannot and will not back down.
The Kamradshaft  will fight till the very last man, we'll banish them out of our town.
Peter Williamson

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