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Friday, 10 May 2013

When Frank's fall out....

I read today with an ironic smile that one of the two organisations expounding the and earning large profits from the semi-mythical 'Anne Frank's Diaries' have gone to war with each other.
In one corner, ladies and gentlemen we have your original contender - the Dutch based Anne Frank Foundation and in the other corner we have the Swiss based Anne Frank Fund. Both organisations are of course part of that ever growing multi-national Holocaust Industry.

Apparently, the Swiss based organisation is trying to get back 25,000 documents and letters which it loaned to the Dutch arm of the company. (My goodness our Anne was a prolific writer at the age of fourteen!).
The Anne Frank Foundation refuse to give them back and claim that they were a gift from the other branch.
At the bottom of the squabble is of course, the masses of filthy lucre which both organisations continue to squeeze out of a gullible public.
The Anne Frank Fund has even gone so far as to accuse the Anne Frank Foundation of 'acting like Nazis in seizing illegally Jewish property' - now we cannot have that can we my dear readers?
The background to this squabble arises from the fact that the father of Anne Frank, Otto Frank, another of the millions of lucky survivors of the Holocaust managed to preserve all of his daughter's voluminous writings when she was allegedly swept up by those demonic Nazis to perish the truly terrible 'Death Camps' of the truly terrible Nazis.
The fact that this poor young lady managed to generate 25,000 letters, diary pages and photographs whilst hiding for her life in a house in Amsterdam now aptly named 'The Anne Frank House' (what all of it?) - and of course doing a roaring trade in Holocaust memorabilia from the dozy thousands who troll through its doors and pay through the nose (pardon the expression), to hear yet more 'Tales of the Holocaust' - is an incredible feat for one so young.
How the unseemly, yet highly predictable squabble turns out we don't know. Perhaps a member of the Holocaust Industry's consumer watchdog - ever vigilant for new tales to sell (sorry tell), will make the peace and tell both parties that they are hurting the business.
It should be noted that a decision of the New York Court confirms the suspicion that Otto Frank actually had the diaries written up after the event and in fact the well known American writer, Meyer Levin, was awarded $50,000 to be paid to him by the father of Anne Frank as an honorarium for Levin's work on the "Anne Frank Diary."

Of course to if I accuse Otto Frank of fitting the whole thing up then I am in denial of a part of the Holocaust - a crime so severe that one can be jailed for it in a various countries - and Britain is not excluded if we consider the recent jailing a few years ago of the Nationalist writer, Simon Sheppard for publishing and distributing a British version called 'Anne Frank's Adventures in Wonderland.'. So for the record I must state I believe, intrinsically and without any need to see any proof whatsoever, everything and more that we are force fed about the Holohaux - damn! - sorry Holocaust.

To read an alternative view about these diaries click  HERE.

                                               One of the publications which led to
                                               Simon Sheppard's being jailed.


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