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Thursday 9 May 2013

Nationalist Newsround....

A couple of years ago one of the first sites I ever checked on a morning was a site which had all the latest news (by link) which British Nationalists may have an interest in. Unfortunately due to ill-health, the people or person who managed to site (I never found out who) terminated it - it was a great resource for me when I was editor of "Britain First", the NF's monthly paper which I founded in 2009.
This post gives a news-round up by link to news of today. If I find the time or can get someone to assist then a Nationalist Newsround site or blog would be a good idea. The links DO NOT take you to pro-Nationalist sites/or view but do take you to the latest info which are of interest to our Cause.....

Stephen Hawkins boycotts Israeli Science conference
The Daily Express is the first newspaper to call for Britain to leave the European Union.

Athens mayor makes complaint over Golden Dawn MP's 'attempted assault'
Immigration bill – the devil's in the detail
Texas troopers arrest gay rights protestersWhat next for Marine Le Pen's National Front?Neo-Nazi cell survivor in dock for biggest German terror trial for decades
Porn set to be banned from public wi-fi this year to protect children
Russian geneticists disprove “Out of Africa” claim

It is quite time consuming trawling through a lot of sites to get the sample above, so if anybody wants to help email me and we might get a Nationalist News-Round Blog going?

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