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Friday 26 July 2013

Alice Roberts and the 'Out Of Africa' theory is biased nonsense!

This 2006 series is continually repeated on various Sky and Virgin channels and we see the extremely politically motivated 'anthropologist' Alice Robers using the whole series to ramble on about all human beings cam e from Africa - the so-called 'Out Of Africa' theory.
I e-mailed Dr Roberts some while back pointing out the flaws in her argument and also asking was this a serious anthopological research programme or yet another pseudo-Marxist attempt to make us all believe that we are really all 'Africans'.
No evidence from the competing theories of human evolution are offered. No - we must all worship at the altar of this anthropoligical lie with its High Priestess, Alice Roberts and of course we must then draw the conclusion - oh, we are all the same - racial differences are just a recent (recent?) by-product.
Roberts of course did not reply to my e-mail not to my direct question 'was she paid to deliver' distorted facts to undermine the very serious basis of race in evolution,

The whole series if just one big hatchet job!

There is NO general agreement on how humans evolved and in 2012, a group of Russian scientists working from newly found DNA remains totally put Roberts and her Marxist ideas into the dustbin of scientific history.

Here are some facts that Roberts will not acnowledge:-
“The concept was based primarily on the premise that Africa possesses the highest variability, or variance, of the human DNA and its segments. Set apart, it is not a strong argument because a mix of different DNA lineages also results in a high variability and, as we show below, it is largely what occurs in Africa. Moreover, a genomic gap exists between some Africans and non-Africans, which has also been interpreted as an argument that the latter descended from Afri- cans. A more plausible interpretation might have been that both current Africans and non-Africans descended separately from a more ancient common ancestor, thus forming a proverbial fork. A region where this downstream common ancestor arose would not necessarily be in Africa. In fact, it was never proven that he lived in Africa.”
This next bit is a bit techie as it involves DNA research...
“These data, based on the SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymor- phism), along with the data based on the STRs (Short Tandem other and undeniably indicate that non-African people, bearers of haplogroups from C to T, did not descend from the “African” haplogroups A or B. Their origin is likely not in Africa. A higher variance of the DNA in Africa, which was a cornerstone of the “Out of Africa” theory, is explained by Figure 3, in which haplogroup A has been evolving (mutation-wise) for 132,000 years, while the non-European haplogroups are much younger. Hence, there is a lower variability in the latter. The same is related to language variability, which has also been used as an argument of the African origin of non-Africans. We believe that those arguments upon which the “Out of Africa” theory was based were, in fact, conjectural, incomplete and not actually data-driven. Therefore, we are left holding the question of the origin of Homo sapiens.”

...and there's more...
The BBC are about to launch a new pseudo-science series, The Human Journey, presented by some pretty airhead presenter called Alice Roberts (who got her degree in anthropology during an era when racial science was perverted by marxist politics and therefore knows only what lies she has been taught - though she is very easy on the eyes ) and so they commission a forensic skull expert to reproduce what some skull found in Romania would look like if it were alive today.

The problem is that the skull they have made is simply pure BBC propaganda.

Even though scientists debate whether the individual skull was EVEN HUMAN,as it has archaic features that suggest it was a Human-Neanderthal Hybrid - they make it look like Nelson Mandela with a skinhead.

Even in the article in The Independent they state, 'we dont know what skin colour it would have had' so they go and give it one that most resembles a modern sub-Saharan indigenous modern African - even though the modern sub-saharan skin tone is itself a result of thousands of years of human racial evolution.

Just because sub-saharan have dark black skin today, does not mean the ancestors of sub-saharan Africans, or all humans, had dark black skin tones 35,000 years ago.

But the cruncher comes here when the airhead Roberts says " He said the skull doesn't actually look European, or Asian, or African " - therefore in order for the good doctor to have made such a statement there have to differences between the skull shapes of modern Africans, Asians and Europeans, which therefore means RACIAL DIFFERENCES DO EXIST.

Its good to know that even when they are indulging in pseudo-science the BBC and its airheads are unable to even understand the trite and facile logical inconsistencies in their own ideological nonsense.

Milford Wolpoff of the University of Michigan and his colleagues maintain that the principal human races-Negroids, Caucasoids, Mongoloids, Australian aboriginal peoples and southern African Bushmen-began to evolve well before the appearance of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens. Contrary to mainstream thinking, races did not evolve as a result of modern humans leaving Africa to colonise the rest of the world some 100 000 to 200 000 years ago. Or so Wolpoff argues

For the non-BBC manufactured and politically correct theory of Out Of Africa click HERE

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