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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

What would the UK be like with the EU? Win 100,000 Euros

I am reprinting part of the latest bulletin from 'Get Britain Out'. This site is a good place to find the REAL facts and figures of just how much damage membership of the EU is causing our country.
....now you can win 100,000 Euros! (read below)

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We anti-EU campaigners are often accused of not having thought through the full implications and complexities of what's required to Get Britain Out of the EU. "Ah!", exclaim the Europhiles, "you want us to leave the EU … but how? What will we do then?". We all know the answer, of course, but a fortnight ago a competition was launched to answer that question with the level of intellectual and academic rigour that will be essential for any In/Out referendum campaign.
The 'Brexit Prize' is being run by a respected think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA). The premise is that the UK has already voted to leave and that the Government has triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, signalling our intent to leave. The competition is for the best blueprint for what needs to happen next, both in domestic law and international relations, to ensure a prosperous future for our nation. A selection of the 20 best initial submissions will be announced at the end of October, with the deadline for final submissions in early February 2014 and the winner of the €100,000 prize will then be announced in March 2014.

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