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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Just what is wrong with being a Freemason?

British Nationalism has during the course of its existence has been opposed to membership of any of its members of the Freemasonic Order. Is there any basis for this?
Well in the first instance there are long held views by those of us - and that should be EVERY Nationalist who is opposed to Globalism, that Globalism is the final act of the thousands of years old conspiracy by various and sometimes diverse individuals and organisations to create a One World State controlled by a ruling elite of members largely of one particular group of people.
Famous Nationalist writers such as A.K Chesterton and Nesta Webster. Chesterton wrote his famous book "The New Unhappy Lords" on the subject and Nesta Webster "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements". have highlighted the dangers of Masonry.
Both these books and many others on the World Conspiracy make reference to the various types of Freemasonry and its general malign influence in its efforts to promote the One World State.
Unfortunately for me - David Icke's arguments although initially quite lucid when he talks about the threat of World Zionism, and Freemasonry - go straight into Fairy Land when he starts saying things such as "The Queen Mother was actually a shape shifting Reptilian". Icke's stuff seems to be getting so zany that one has to start doubting his sanity and also it makes the very real research into the threat of Globalism through really powerful organisations such as the Bilderberger Group of lesser value as people start to lump all genuine fighters against the worldwide onslaught of Globalism into the 'cranky corner'. Icke's outlandish stupidity is throwing up a smokescreen which is hiding the real truth from many people. In fact I could suggest that Icke is actually a member of the.....(no I won't get into that!)
My opposition to Freemasonry in Great Britain is far more down to earth. I see any society which admits in has secrets that only its members are allowed to know; which had wormed its way into the British Police force; the judiciary; the House of Commons; our Royalty; banking institutions and the City to pose a real threat to any healthy Nation-State.
Any society which seeks to promote people into high positions - let's say the Civil Service cannot be good for the nation. The merit of an individual is put secondary to what is in effect, no matter how much they deny it - a Secret Society.
"The Guardian", which is hardly one of White Nationalist's choice of newpaper said this of British Freemasonry:-
"With large numbers of police officers being freemasons and their oath taken to put the requests of "brothers" (other freemasons) before their legal obligations as police officers, freemasonry has infiltrated and corrupted not only the police service, it has infiltrated all levels of the establishment and society including politicians, journalists, the judiciary, customs officials and other important elements of the British establishment."
So for me as a White Nationalist, I stand opposed to British Freemasonry any other organisation whose views work towards the good of the liberalised elite few and not the citizens of the United Kingdom.

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