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Monday, 1 July 2013

WARNING! - New British Union

I have found on Indymedia, the anti-fascist site, what looks to be a complete list of all of this weird outfits 'organisers'

From Indymedia:
The New British Union, a group openly styling itself on Mosley's BUF, launched recently after interwebs Nazi Craig Cooke left the BNP's student front, the National Culturists, over musical differences. They have helpfully provided a list of their regional and national officers' names and email addresses on their website.
There are 51 names and email addresses which were posted in public on this outfits website. Further information led me to the astounding fact that the New British Union does NOT have 51 branches as claimed but they are just addresses from Nationalists contacting these strange people and then had themselves, quite unknowlingly listed as "Organisers!
On no account email these people! -As a result of their gross security lapse -over 50 British Nationalists have had there names and other details printed on a Red website.

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