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Monday, 8 July 2013

Why it MUST be the National Front.....

As a member of the National Front, I am appealing to all British Nationalists of good character to stand by the NF. Let me try to give you some good reasons why I think the National Front is the only solution.
The National Front was founded in 1967 as a party of Nationalist Unity so there is absolutely no need for us attending endless 'unity' meetings. The very name of the National Front bears a strong significance - it is there in the word 'Front'. That is exactly what the NF is - a front for all true White British patriots.
I am so sick over the last few years of attending Nationalist 'unity' meetings which achieve nothing. Unless you count the foundation of the British Democratic Party a success! To me it is led by  a bunch of ex-Griffinites whose only uniting policy is that they all hate Nick Griffin!
Nick Griffin lost British Nationalism nearly twelve precious years we did not have to lose - the BDP is set out to repeat that same horrific blunder.
I see these befuddled BDP people now - all members of the last chance saloon - raging against 'racism' and 'nazism' (even when it does not exist and is just a ZOG political swearword) and jumping through hoops to show how so,.so 'respectable' they are.
However if you have joined the BDP but wish for something better - a Movement of White Nationalism rather than a repetition of Populism then this call is made to you too.
For forty-five years, through great days and bad days, the National Front has always been there - carrying the torch and no matter what, keeping the name and the flame of White Nationalism alive.
It estimated that at one time or another over 70,000 people have passed through our Movement. In the late 70's, with thousands of members attending the regular National Front marches it seemed that we were on the brink of a major victory.

A lying woman called Margaret Thatcher scuppered the NF vote in the 1979 General Election when, with over 300 candidates, the NF had a REAL chance of a major break through. Sadly, the Tory party again fooled the voters and Thatcher's broadcast against immigration and the offers to solve the problem (and never did!) - turned many who would have voted NF to vote Tory instead..

It was a body blow to the Front and one which saw all the various factions rising to the surface and within five years the Movement has lost many members to splinter organisations and many others, such as myself who followed John Tyndall into the newly formed British National Party.

After the smash success of the open air rallies in Darlington and Dewsbury in 1989, and the taking of a first council seat in London by Derek Beacon, the BNP started to be noticed and started to grow, only to be systematically taken over and smashed by the ugly and underhand policies of Nick Griffin and his boot-licking acolytes.

Now the BNP is in its death throws and is shedding debris in the form of dozens of splinter groups in all directions, the BDP being just one bad example. They have learnt little or nothing from what will be come to be known as 'The Dark Days of Nick Griffin'.
However, the NF still ploughed on regardless and now can say without any argument that it is, albeit still a small party, the biggest and most well known on the British Nationalist scene.
The Front has had to go  through some rough stages of re-organisation but still has emerged stronger and tougher than ever. We are one movement who will never lie and will never lie down!
My personal message as a rank and file NF member is for all genuine White patriots to stand up and give the NF a chance. We need and we are getting the veterans back in - men and women who have served for decades in the cause of racial-nationalism.
We are getting too the young and NF meetings reflect this, that our Movement has the power to draw in sections from the spectrum of British Nationalism, regardless of age and regardless of social background.
We, Comrades do not have many precious years left in this struggle before we see the terrible and the final destruction that is befalling the White race all over Western Europe, but especially in Britain where a genocidal end of our people and our White children's future is all too frighteningly clear.
There can never be a 'perfect party' - one in which every member gets along fine with every other member - humanity being what it is, is full of strife - BUT if we apply the yardstick that if this man or woman is good for the Movement and the Cause then should be in our ranks - regardless of past errors or personality clashes. These must be put aside on behalf of the greater good. We have no time now for old feuds to stop our forward growth - let us patch them up and hold out the hand of friendship to all those who may have given us offence in the past - it no longer matters when we are facing global extinction!

On the other hand if we see someone who wants to come into our Movement who is bad for the NF and bad for the Cause then we must again be ruthless and politely but firmly turn down their membership.

The National Front is only going to be ever as good as the sum of its members. Let those members put our race and nation first and their own personal problems and petty grievances last.! Time is running out Comrades - let us all pull together within the NF to make our final victory certain!

Eddy Morrison
Member , West Yorkshire National Front.

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