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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

National Front Directorate Elections - Candidates statements

I have been asked by a leading National Front Executive member to publish the statements from the candidates sanding for the six elected places on the National Front Directorate which is the ruling body of the Movement. The results will be announced after the count which is set for August 24th. Every paid up member of the NF have been sent ballot papers - so get them sent in!
Eddy Morrison

In accordance with our Constitution, the National Directorate of the National Front is made up of our party’s regional organisers plus six members elected each year by the membership of the party through a postal ballot. Ten nominations have been received for these six directly-elected places.  As a paid-up member of the National Front you are entitled to vote in this election using the enclosed ballot paper. You may vote for up to six candidates....
Statements in support of the candidates

Kevin McMahon
I will keep this short and sweet. I am the Greater Manchester organiser, I work closely with Kevin Bryan and Chris Jackson.
The National Front and the 14 words are embedded in my heart and have been since the early Eighties when I first became a member.
Here in the North West we give 110%. The NF is not just being a member to me; it is a dedicated part of my life. I am sure most everyone knows or has heard of what we do in the NW. The top and bottom of it is we are fighting for our race and nation – there is no plan B so success is essential. The NF needs an enthusiastic, honest, reliable Directorate, who will determine the best for the party. We cannot just sit behind the NF logo, we must now take the fight on fully, and I am quite happy to use all my abilities, time, effort and other resources to bring the NF back to where we belong!

Richard Edmonds
Richard Edmonds is a veteran British Nationalist who has campaigned non-stop for Race and Nation ever since he first joined the National Front forty years ago.  In this time he has seen our once proud and law-abiding cities turned into crime ravaged riot-zones.  Mass-immigration, crime and social alienation are destroying civilised life in this country. The British people have been utterly betrayed by the old, dis-credited parties of the cynical and corrupt Establishment at Westminster.  Only the committed patriotism and realistic policies of the National Front can save our country now. Richard Edmonds is seeking to be elected to a place on the National Directorate, in order to serve our party to the maximum of his abilities.

Mark Freeman
I am looking to gain your support to be elected to the Directorate to ensure that the party continues to move in the right direction by having professional individuals as your representatives for the National Front.  We must do our best to make sure that we are as approachable as possible to every-day law-abiding people, who are looking to give their support to a political party to enable significant change to our country and economy.  This can only be done by putting our best people forward at all times and giving no opportunity to our opposition to belittle and ridicule us by making poor decisions that affect us electorally.  We must not allow incompetence and ignorance to ruin us. We must ensure our kin have a worthwhile future. Mark Freeman  

Mick Griffin
I have been a lifelong National Front member and supporter. I want the party to be the best it can be, putting its best members and activists to the fore
At times we have had a terrible public image from allowing individuals with dubious and nefarious pasts. Those type of people have no place in our modern party, we must not fall back into repeating past mistakes. The media's eyes are on us constantly. If we are to become a serious political party that intends to represent decent, hardworking and law abiding citizens of the UK, we must endeavour to continually improve upon who we are, making ourselves a party people want to support, represent, and ultimately go out and vote for.  Mick Griffin For Family, Community and Country.

Chris Willett
The National Front is the only political party I have ever been a member of and I have stood for election under the NF banner on various occasions. I also help run the Scottish NF website, write articles for the website and design NF literature which is distributed in Scotland as part of my duty as the NF Scotland secretary.  Personally, I have always believed in a policy of immediately halting mass immigration and implementing repatriation as the only way to stop the rot and save our nation. Being in the NF, my duty, as is yours, is the preservation and advancement of the White Race. Therefore, if elected onto the Directorate, I pledge to put the needs of the party first and foremost.   Every day our position is getting ever more precarious and now, more than ever, is the time to set aside differences amongst ourselves and show strength through unity.

Bernadette Jaggers
I am asking you, the members of the National Front to give me your support and vote. I am not going to soft soap you, or take you for fools, I can only say that I will do my utmost to stand up for you, stand by you and make sure our party is presented in an appropriate manner, to encourage the people of our nation to join us and make our country a better place to live and work. We as a political party need to be accepted by the voter, to play this 'government' at their own game. We must strive to do nothing less than our best. Rest assured, I am not afraid... Yours Sincerely, Bernadette Jaggers. 

Andy Edwards
My name is Andrew Edwards. I am Secretary and joint Organiser for West Midlands National Front. I have been in the party for ten years and am a committed member. I only want what is best for the party and all past in-fighting must stop.  We are Britain’s best party, we will have our country back and we will be stronger and better in the coming years. Our time will come and we will never give up the fight for a country and for all that we think is right.

Mike Cooper
I first became active on behalf of the National Front as a teenager in the 1970s and have been a committed nationalist ever since. I first stood as a candidate for the NF in 1994 and have fought many elections since then. I am currently Treasurer of the Hull branch and also have responsibility for organising regular leafleting in the area.  I have always been willing to help the party in any way at a moment’s notice and if I am elected to the Directorate, I will take on any role which is required of me and also continue to work to ensure that the party has a high profile.

Nigel Piggins
I have been an active nationalist since the 1980s and first joined the National Front in the early 1990s. For more than 20 years, I have dedicated my life to the cause of Race and Nation. I have promoted the party within the nationalist music scene as well as by campaigning in elections and through street activities. I am a Committee member and activist in Hull and have always been ready to help the party in any way, from selling its merchandise to playing the drum at our Remembrance Sunday parade.  The National Front is a serious organisation with unwavering racial nationalist ideals and I will continue to use all my energy to advance it.

Tony Robinson
I am a nationalist-for-life and am currently the party’s South Yorkshire Organiser (although a native of Derbyshire). I also support National Front activities in other areas.  As well as being active within the UK, I have travelled widely to attend nationalist activities throughout Europe and have close comrades in many European countries. I would like to see the National Front strengthen bonds with our friends in other lands, who already see us as the only worthwhile nationalist party in Britain.

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