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Tuesday 17 September 2013

A Life In White Nationalism - the Preface

In an earlier post I promised I would publish the Preface to my work in progress, an autobiography - 'A Life In White Nationalism', so here it is - but for the rest, you will have to wait for the full book to come out as a completed publication. I am hoping that will be out in publication early in 2014.

by Eddy Morrison

I decided to put pen to paper, which seems nearly impossible in this digital age, after the time came to add another chapter to my first outing as an autobiographer, to wit, 'Memoirs Of Street Soldier', which is still available on the Internet.
I wrote the main part of 'Memoirs' in 2005 and in it concentrated on basically the different Movements I have been in and the many, many activities I have been on. Since its publication, I have over the following years added a few chapters in a rather random attempt to keep the 'Memoirs' up to date. The fast changing British Nationalist scene was making an annual update a necessity and so for that first reason I decided a new project was needed. The 'Memoirs' also told of all the actions I had been in or that I knew of but included very little of the actual ideology of White Nationalism, so over a period of the first months of this year (2013), I began to get into shape the way I would structure a proper biography - the one you are currently holding in your hands - "A Life In White Nationalism".

I decided to start with my earliest days and the Leeds of the 1950's in which I grew up. Not just for nostalgia's sake but more to integrate the social and political situation in the society I was raised in, the austere 1950's and the ill-named 'Swinging Sixties'.
I do not believe myself to be a person of any particular note in the world of ZOG, as we White Nationalists refer to the present System (and of which more later), but I do have some substance in the world of British Nationalism and in the bigger world of WN's (White Nationalists), the threatened White World. 

I am writing this book as a still active WN, who not only supports and works for the longest lasting WN party in Great Britain, the National Front, but also as an ideologue, in the hope that my many articles, poetry and writing and also the great number of speeches I have given - which must run into the hundreds, I feel have had some influence on how our ideology has developed. I entered politics as a young early member of the recently formed NF in 1967, and my beliefs were then a little confused. I am probably being a little hard on myself there, because I had had no access to the ideas of British racial-nationalism, but the first few years I learnt fast! My beliefs became solidified then, and with a few variations, I still hold true to those beliefs.
I vociferously read everything I could on Nationalism and Race, and my ideology was truly formed when I read the late George Lincoln Rockwell's two great books, 'This Time The World' and 'White Power'. These two book and also a constant access and friendship with the leading British Nationalists of the late 60's, Martin Webster, Denis Pirie, A K Chesterton, John Gaster, Ian Kerr-Ritchie and John Bean to name but a few, all of them had been in the fight far longer that this young hopeful, but I learnt a lot from them too.

The man who was to be the other great influence in my life I met in 1968 - John Tyndall (more of Rockwell and Tyndall as this strange tale unfolds). John was to become a long term close friend and political comrade and he taught me many practical things to survive in the political jungle in which the British Nationalist section has a full and varied selection of. It has its lions, its elephants, its herds of gazelle - but also its vipers too.
I had many a fall out, and many a reconciliation with JT over the decades, and it is quite untrue that John and I were ever really enemies. The people who allege that, are strangely not the Far Left or the Jewish Chronicle, nor even that bane of our lives, Searchlight, founded by the Jewish semi-gangster, Gerry Gable - no, they took great glee in matching up myself and John. Strangely, the people who throw this at me and all about on the Internet, are fellow nationalists with a personal and political axe to grind. 
In a 1983 edition of Spearhead, JT's monthly magazine, he wrote a rather furious article about me, and he had every right to do so. We argued about the tactics and the strategy the still nascent BNP should follow. As I say, I was wrong and it wasn't long before the axe was buried and we were colleagues in the BNP once again.(they will still trot out that article at every opportunity despite its complete irrelevance to 'prove' JT and I were daggers drawn). If you knew John, you would know that he did not hold long grudges against old Comrades.
When JT was expelled from the BNP and then proscribed by the odious Nick Griffin, myself together with such honest and decent Nationalists such as Richard Edmonds, John Morse, Ian Dell and many others, fought the good fight, to get John back into being Chairman of the BNP. A fight which his untimely death put a stop to.

I dedicated my 'Memoirs' to George Lincoln Rockwell, and now I dedicate this book to the memory of John Tyndall and the words he left in my mind at one of the last meetings he spoke at - Honour, Loyalty and Comradeship. By these watchwords I try to live, often stumbling. But I hope this book, will take those final words of JT to further generations of White Nationalists, and give them the courage, the knowledge and the loyalty to each other which are essential in this terrible yet glorious fight we are engaged in - the Cause of Racial Survival - The Cause of White Nationalism!

So I will finish this preface with one declaration - "John Tyndall- Present! -  still with us and marching in our ranks!"

                                 Myself stood behind JT at the Dewsbury open air rally.

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