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Friday 20 September 2013

Flash demo in Rochdale against BBC question Time

Last night, 14 members of the National Front held a demo outside Rochdale Town Hall as the BBC's Question Time was filmed.
The Police moved us away from the front doors of the Town Hall, so we took up a good position and waited for the audience and the panel to come out, many looked shell shocked by our banners and our presence  - they stopped and read the prominent banners.
One the panel members was Far Left Labour MP Harriet Harman. Harman used to be associated with the Paedophile Information Exchange an organisation that stood up for the rights of these vile specimens, She is also in favour of lowering the age of consent for Homosexuals to 14, - a 14 year old is still a child!
What an insult that this woman is invited into a town where child abuse has been rife for the last 40 years, the late fat liberal, Cyril Smith was abusing young boys in Care Homes and many young Rochdale girls have been raped and abused by criminal Asian grooming gangs.
This grooming by Asian gangs seems to becoming endemic in the United Kingdom. The newspapers carry reports of them, building up a pattern - an evil and criminal pattern is emerging.
In Rochdale last night, our Movement showed fantastic initiative! Well done  to all the Comrades who were there.
Initial report and pictures by Kevin Bryan, Chairman of the National Front
(Photos and video below)

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