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Monday, 2 September 2013

National Directorate meeting 31st August

National Directorate meeting 31st August
On Saturday 31st August, the governing body of the National Front – its Directorate which consists of regional representatives as well as six members elected by the party membership in a recent postal ballot met to make a number of important appointments and decisions. Along with two other comrades from the Hull branch, I was very pleased to be part of a positive and well-conducted meeting, which dealt effectively with the various matters placed before it.
Kevin Bryan, who had held the role of Acting Chairman, was confirmed as the party’s Chairman. In his acceptance speech, Kevin called for members to work together in a spirit of comradeship. He emphasised the importance of contesting elections and called for Directorate members to lead by example and stand in their own areas next year. However, street activities were also important and the high profile demonstrations of yesteryear ought to be a source of pride for NF members and not to be considered as part of the ‘bad old days’.
Popular Scotland Organiser Dave MacDonald was elected as Deputy Chairman and also appointed as the NF’s Nominating Officer.
To replace outgoing Membership Secretary Steve Rowland, it was agreed that memberships should be handled by a team comprising of Nigel Piggins and Executive member Rob Poundall with me in a supporting role as Treasurer.
London Organiser Tess Culnane and Welsh Organiser Adam Lloyd were elected to join Kev Bryan, Dave MacDonald, Rob Poundall and myself on the National Executive, which is once again at full strength.
The party’s media was discussed and it was agreed unanimously that Scottish Secretary Chris Willett would take over as editor of the NF website, Eddy Morrison will resume his former role as editor of ‘Britain First’ and that Rob Poundall and Andy Edwards will continue to have responsibility of the party’s increasingly popular Facebook page.
I gave a short report on our finances and was able to tell the Directorate that although we certainly aren’t flush with money, we have no debts and are able to meet current liabilities.
Arrangements for both the party’s Annual General Meeting in October and its Remembrance Sunday parade the following month were discussed and finalised.
As always, it was a pleasure to meet and work with NF comrades from around the country and it was good to hear so many speakers stress the importance of discipline and hard work and emphasise that the National Front has a central role in the struggle to regain our land.
Rally round the Front!
Nick Walsh, National Treasurer, NF.


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