Kev Bryan speaks at National Front meeting
After months of uncertainty, Saturday the 31st
August paved the way for a new beginning and direction for the National Front.
We held our National Directorate meeting in Derby in a first class conference room.
The meeting was very businesslike and professional.
Regional Organisers from across the UK were joined
by the newly elected members of the Directorate.
As acting Chairman I gave a forward and then went onto the
Item One saw me elected from Acting Chairman into the
position of Party Chairman.
Item Two saw Scotland
and Northern Ireland Organiser, Dave MacDonald elected to the position of Deputy
Item Four saw London Organiser Tess Culnane and South Wales
Organiser Adam Lloyd elected onto the National Executive.
I won’t go through the rest of the agenda in this article.
I couldn’t be more happy with the new appointments - both
Dave MacDonald and myself make a great team and we are in daily contact sorting
out everyday problems and discussing the way forward for the Party, I am over
the moon that Dave is my Deputy and I am certain the two of us will work more
closely than I had the chance to do so with my Chairman when I was the Deputy.
I have spent many years in Nationalist politics, my first
position was as the Newark-On-Trent Organiser of the BNP.Years later I moved
North and took over the position of Rochdale Organiser, which at one stage had
over 90 paid up members, whilst at the same time I started up the Rossendale
Branch of the BNP and again built the membership up to a good size.
As Nick Griffin progressed with his rot, I decided I could no
longer carry on the fight for Race & Nation in the British National Party,
I am a racial nationalist and I firmly believe in a policy of repatriation, this
is a policy the BNP had abandoned several years earlier, in fact they went into
reverse and voted to accept non-white members.
I left the BNP about three and a half years ago and began
speaking at National Front meetings and assisting my colleague Chris Jackson in
building up the North West Region.Within a few months at a directorate meeting
in London I was elected into the position of Deputy Chairman.
After the resignation of Ian Edward I became acting Chairman
and so I believed it was a natural progression that I applied for the vacant
position of Party Chairman.
I would like to thank the National Directorate for having
the confidence in me and electing me into the position.
So now we enter a new Dawn, where now for the National
At the Directorate meeting in my acceptance speech I
outlined my plans.
I spoke about how important it was for members to contest
elections, I also stressed that we wanted quality and not quantity, this is
something we can learn from the mistakes of the BNP as with them it was a case
of stand as many candidates as possible, you only have to look back at their
record to see what a disaster that policy was, one BNP Councillor that springs
to mind is Maureen Stowe, Maureen Stowe was one of many people that decided to
stand in Burnley for the BNP, she was also one of many that were elected. Once
elected she revealed that Nelson Mandela was one of her heroes, after several
months of being a BNP Councillor Maureen went squealing to the press saying how
racist BNP members were. The rest is history!
I stressed that it was of utmost importance that members of
the Directorate led by example when it comes to election time and stand as
candidates, of course I understand that a couple of Directorate members are
unable to stand because of their employment.
It is also important that members get involved in local
community groups and those that have an interest in the Political side of
nationalist Politics attend local Council meetings, again I fully understand
that the electoral side is not every members cup of tea, I do however believe
that it should be of interest to members of the National Directorate.
As I have recently stated in another article, I don’t just
see the National Front as a Political Party, I also see the Front as a movement.
I know I have mentioned the BNP once too many times in this
article but when you look at what they have left you see they have an ageing
membership; an ageing membership that is only interested in elections and have
long since abandoned the streets and any sign of being an active movement.
At the other end of the patriotic spectrum we see the EDL,
they would class themselves as a non-political movement, they can at least
attract people out on their street demos although their numbers at demos are in
decline, members must be sick of all the bravado and being kettled in out of
sight of the public at every demo they attend.
There is a void and I believe it is the emergence of a
rejuvenated National Front that can fill this void, we can make Nationalism
exciting once again, with our flags flying and our banners held high and in
full view of the public we can attract the patriotic youth to our movement,
many of them we can convert to good and active Politicos.
Back in the 70’s & 80’s the National Front could attract
thousands on their marches and demos, I recently watched a You-Tube video where
5000 members & supporters of the National Front marched with pride to their
new Head quarters at Great Eastern Street in London, I have over the years
watched National Front political marches as well as the old Remembrance Day
marches and political rallies.
The National Front were always orderly. It was the Red trash
that were out to disrupt and cause trouble. It sickens me to hear people who
think they know best refer to bygone days and these large turnouts as the “BAD
The people that attended these events will tell you that
although at times it could get scary, they were certainly exciting and marching
in columns with a large flag party and a drum corps filled you with patriotic
I plan to hold at least two national Political events per
year, this I believe will bring members from the North and South together.
Whereas back in the 70’s our party could only warn about the
coming disaster of mass immigration, that disaster is now upon us, it is no
longer a warning it is a reality. We now have numerous things to demonstrate
and march against and believe me our numbers through our street presence will
swell over the next few years.
As I said earlier about the Political side of the party not
being everyone’s cup of tea, I also understand that neither is street activity,
with this in mind I am sure I can comfortably say that there is something for
everyone in the National Front and every member has a role to play in taking
the National Front forward.
I have many plans, too numerous to talk about in this
I view the last few years as a stabilising period for the
National Front and for this we have the previous Chairman Mr Ian Edward to
thank - but let us see Saturday the 31st August as a turning point for
the NF, a turning point with a strong National Directorate, a strong National
Executive and Strong Leadership.
Together united we can take our struggle, our cause and the
fight to win back our Race & Nation Forward.
Kevin Bryan
What the NF is fighting for!
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