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Sunday 11 May 2014

Colin Jordan and John Tyndall

                                       Colin Jordan in his home in Pately Bridge
                                                               John Tyndall
It is now nine years since John Tyndall was taken from us and just over five years since Colin Jordan died.
Both of them were great men and in my opinion both men made the biggest and most consistent and constant sacrifices to the Sacred Cause of White Nationalism than any others I can think of.
I had my fall outs over the years with both of them but am glad to say in the last six years of John Tyndall's life I became once again his close compatriot. This is also true of Colin Jordan, but again I was pleased that I and other Leeds White Nationalists were of service to him when he appeared on his own at the famous 'Merrie England' trial in 2002. (We made sure of his safety from Leeds Railway Station and back again)
I made my peace with Colin  then and had an opportunity to go over with him after court on how he felt about the way forward.

Whilst John Tyndall believed as I do, that victory can only come from the building up of a mass Movement neither of the left nor right, but representing the Nationalist and Socialist concerns of Great Britain's White population, Colin believed otherwise.
Colin believed that 'party time was over' - he wrote a monograph on this and if you you click the link you will find his case for the strategy he propounded. He left British Movement in 1974 leaving BM to Michael McLaughlin. Colin continued to publish his monthly "Gothic Ripples" which I continued to subscribe to but Colin Jordan left no one in any doubt that in his view, the democratic process would forever be closed to us,

Many folk are saying many things about John Tyndall and Colin Jordan even today and many of these things include highly exaggerated accounts of how they kept faith with both John and Colin. The truth is far different. Colin rarely met anyone and as I have stated - I met and renewed my friendship back in 2002 - he may have corresponded with other Nationalists but CJ as he was affectionately known as had no meetings with many who even in 2014 say they did. Colin Jordan did not give his blessing to any political party in Great Britain after 1974, but he fought for White Nationalism as long as his health held out, and must be counted as a man of honour.

I miss them both, as does every White Nationalist who ever had the chance to meet them and I am reprinting JT's reports on the "Merrie England" trial which was a victory for WN justice.
Eddy Morrison

An historic day - Thursday, 5th September 2002 and the scene is Leeds Crown Court No. Four. Tony Hancock, printer of the pamphlet Merrie England, written by veteran nationalist Colin Jordan, is cleared of all the charges under Britain's infamous ‘race’ laws. This is a tremendous victory for the cause in the United Kingdom.
The vindictive system - despite the fact that Colin Jordan was never tried or convicted for producing the pamphlet - was determined to have its pound of flesh. So the totally innocent Tony Hancock, who only printed it, was hauled into court. His only crime, printing, which is his business. They dressed-up this gross attack on individual freedom by charging him with ‘aiding and abetting’ Colin Jordan in a producing a pamphlet calculated (or ‘likely’ to cause) racial hatred.
Mr Hancock's barrister, Adrian Davies, brilliantly defended him. Witnesses brought by the prosecution were left-wing Labour MPs - who, needless to say, expressed their ‘outrage’ at receiving the pamphlet Merrie England. They were joined by David Michael Whine, a leading light in the Board of Deputies of British Jews. His evidence was effectively demolished by defence counsel. Whine had a hard job explaining his definition of who and what constituted a Jewish person, and the whole charade of race laws was shown as the ‘Alice-in-Wonderland’ piece of legislation that it is.
The twists and turns of the prosecution case and the statements of the witnesses in court were mind-boggling in the efforts to prove ‘racial-hatred’. The judge, who seemed impartial and fair throughout the trial, when giving his summing-up to the jury stated very forcefully that the whole area of race legislation was particularly difficult. He stated that if the jury thought that the defendant had the right to express his opinion in the light of a decent society being able to tolerate ‘extreme’ views, they should acquit him. The judge also stressed that the right of freedom of speech was reinforced by European human rights legislation, now part of British law.
The learned Judge was right. Not only is the race legislation unjust, it is ridiculous. The race acts and public order acts laws governing race are forever being amended and strengthened, and leave very little scope for rational and sensible debate on the extremely important issues of race and immigration, and of course on issues concerning the Jewish community and its power.
Tony Hancock was tried by twelve true Britons who exercised their common sense above the vagaries and iniquities of unjust legislation and bought out a verdict of "Not Guilty"!
The day was a great victory for white nationalism and for freedom. Tony Hancock should be saluted for his firm stand and unflinching courage in winning through against all the system could throw at him! 
John Tyndall (2002 Spearhead)

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