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Friday 9 May 2014

The night I got arrested for being in the SS...

The night I got arrested for being in the SS...
Though that might capture your attention but its true! In 1999, in the early evening I was strolling through Leeds City Centre dressed as an SS Grupenfuher when I was arrested by six police officers with a van. Was I with a group of other well dressed Nazis on our way to a Nazi Rally in Leeds?
Well, no. The other people arrested with me and put into the van were a young lady dressed as Litttle Bo Peep, a fake Frenchman with a string on onions around his kneck; Count Dracula; a Zombie and I admit, a close friend dressed as a German 2nd World War Officer.
So why am I telling you all this? I'll get to that in a minute.
We had been spotted on one of the new CCTV cameras covering Leeds Precinct. Leeds City Council has recently admitted there are over 300 CCTV cameras in the city centre!

That's today in 2014. Back in in 1999 they only had a few but that's how Litttle Bo Peep (complete with stuffed lamb under her arm) ended up in a Black Maria.
The explanation which took a lot of time, as we were by then in the charge room of Milgarth Police Station was that at first they thought a political rally was in progress (now why would I dress up as a SS man? Really - its too much).
That's why the van was despatched and we were all arrested under caution. It came out after some forceful explanation to a very dim witted desk sergeant, was that we were on our way to the Griffin Hotel in Leeds for a fancy dress party. 
They rang the hotel and this was confirmed and as we were being released, the police noticed the German soldier had a pistol on his belt. Though it was marked 'Cowboy toy pistol', it was confiscated.
We then waited another hour before they let us go - but they insisted we couldn't walk through the centre to the hotel as my outfit could well upset any Jewish people in Leeds on our route.(or maybe these same Jewish people don't like Little Bo Peep?)
So we were all packed into the van, sans pistol, and finished up having a really good laugh at police overkill and stupidty. I didn't help things on the police station when I suggested Hitler would have conquered Russia had he a crack division of Little Bo Peeps on hand...
.....and, that was my first experience of the deadly presence of the CCTV camera and also the reason for this post.
I have just finished watching a film called " Terms and Conditions May Apply". Its a frightening film and I urge you to watch it.

Movie Info
Admit it: you don't really read the endless terms and conditions connected to every website you visit, phone call you make or app you download. But every day, billion-dollar corporations are learning more about your interests, your friends and family, your finances, and your secrets... and are not only selling the information to the highest bidder, but freely sharing it with the government. And you agreed to all of it. With fascinating examples and so-unbelievable-they're-almost-funny facts, filmmaker Cullen Hoback exposes what governments and corporations are legally taking from you every day - turning the future of both privacy and civil liberties uncertain. From whistle blowers and investigative journalists to zombie fan clubs and Egyptian dissidents, this disquieting exposé demonstrates how every one of us has incrementally opted-in to a real-time surveillance state, click by click- and what, if anything, can be done about it

I have put a clip from the film below and why not click on this LINK if you dare?
ZOG runs Great Britain. I personally do not believe in democracy because just about all our personal and political freedoms are gone and they used the word 'democracy to do it'. 

That is why too I work as hard as I can for the National Front. We are a growing number of fighters, in one way or another, declaring ourselves at war with our own government - and ZOG, and will by any LEGAL means possible, bring that System down in ruins to be replaced by a WN State, where freedom of the individual is high on the agenda.

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