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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Not two NF's! One NF and some trouble causers!

As the pathetic crew around the disgraced ex-Chairman of the National Front runs its course - it has gone public, and there is, I am reliably informed, going to be a happy outcome for the Front rather than the dodgy set clustered around their ever more bemused 'leader'. To that end, I am reprinting the Editorial I wrote for last week's "The White Nationalist". Personally I think this theory is right. JT knew that the System was infiltrating and taking over the BNP on a massive scale and making no bones about it. The subsequent actions of the arch-trouble Nick Griffin and the published statement that the Political Police in Britain were  going to 'take down the BNP. I am reproducing a small section of a book written about the Right in Britain......

And who was the main paid State informer? Who was given cash, time and the facilities to wreck the Nationalist scene in Britain? I think you all know the answer!

My Editorial from last week's TWN
by Eddy Morrison
I have the  good news - "The White Nationalist" is now going out to over 4000 subscribers, making it a powerful weapon in the support of the national front.
I also have some negative news.
A small group of ex-activists - about 7 of them , are doing their level best to attack, upset, confuse and eventually to destroy our movement.
Headed by the  ex-chairman, Ian Edwards and his number  one hit woman Ms.Jaggers, they are refusing to accept the present directorate and executive.
In the end they cannot win as 99% of the National Front is behind the leadership of Kevin Bryan, so what exactly are they up to?
My theory - and it just a theory - is that Edward's wanted out of the Front and even sent emails to that affect. He also sent an email that begged to be taken off the Electoral Commissions  site where he is still listed as the nominating offer.
So what changed Edwards mind?
It is well known that the woman, Jaggers was a bodyguard for Nick Griffin. She also seems to be pushing a reluctant Edwards to do as much as possible to stir up trouble in the NF.
This is also costing the front hard cash as a legal fund has had to be set up. Wasted money and wasted time, which White Nationalism cannot afford to loose.
As his own party, the hollow shell of the fast disintegrating BNP, Griffin has planned even more trouble, by putting people into the NF and trying to take our movement down with him.
Anyone who has ever dealt with Griffin will know that he is quite capable of such underhand tactics. They are nothing new to Griffin. He leaves behind a long list of patriots and other parties bankrupt, Burnt out and destroyed.
Every time that the BNP seemed to be making real ground, griffin stepped in and put a spanner in the works.
My theory, and again I cannot prove it, is that  Griffin is trying to bring down the National Front into the black pit that awaits what’s left of his own party.
If this is so, I can state that he will not be successful.! Outside of this problem, the NF is growing faster and more widespread than ever, it’s directorate are united as are its members that nothing these disruptors do will stop the front, we are totally united on this! Quis separabit?

BIRDS OF A FEATHER? - You decide!

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