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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Well done Buster Books!

 One book you won't find in Waterstone's! (Which sells Searchlight by the way!)
Have you ever heard of a nasty little group of intolerant liberals called "Let Books Be Books"?
Well you probably will be doing. This group have a downright nasty little plan to stop boys books being for boys and girls books being for girls.
True to form, after we had to suffer the bleating liberal campaign against 'The toys of war' which fell flat when boys kept buying toy guns and playing - what is it these days - Infidels versus Terrorists? (We used to play 'Japs and Commandos')
Back to 'Let books be books' who are pressuring publishers to stop selling - here it comes - 'gender specific books'. No Boys Book of Adventure Stories or Girl's Ballet Dancer books.
Nope, our book publishers and sellers are coming under pressure from one nasty arm of the liberal oligarchy which runs our country on behalf of their ZOG overmasters, to make all children's books as if there was no difference between the sexes.
This is of course getting them ready for the deluge of pro-homosexual and pro-lesbian books that will be pushed before their faces as they go through adolescence.
One of the motivators behind this Stalinist pressure group is 'Children's Laureate' (what the hell that means I cannot guess) a 'lady' known by the fine name of Anne Fine.
She is a quieter woman from the sort of screeching harpie who you will more usually than often find calling for an end to all sexual, racial, and biological differences, and push these square pegs into the round holes of Political Correctness. But Ms Fine is in that club too.
Paragon and Osborne Book publishers have caved in straight away and have pledged not to produce any more books aimed solely at boys or girls.
Who is Anne Fine? She is a children's author churning out PC garbage children's (or 'kids' as we now have to call them) books all slanted towards the neo-Marxism that inhabits the minds of these liberals. She worked for Oxfam (quelle surprise!) for two years which reinforced her liberal narrow mindedness.

Here's a classic statement from Ms Fine :-
Books for children are different. Along with their principal purpose of offering enchantment, they find themselves, whether or not they choose, playing a larger role. They bring a picture of the world to inexperienced readers. So there are good reasons why, to take the old example, the works of Enid Blyton had to be ruthlessly edited before these books could comfortably be back on the shelves in our supposedly non-sexist, non-racist, more inclusive schools. I defy anyone whose knee-jerk response is to mutter "political correctness" to read one of the stories in the Jolly Story Book I treasured as a child. Matty tells her doll Sambo: "I don't like your black face." He runs away and gets drenched in a storm during which all of the dye in him is washed away. "'Oh!' squealed the pixie in delight. 'You aren't black any more. You've got the dearest, pinkest, kindest face!'" The doll returns to the nursery and general acclaim: "You are a brave doll! You deserved to be made white!"... No wonder he's happy - little pink Sambo!

Fine's book "The Same Old Story Every Year" is a multi-racial treatment of the Christmas story and is high on the recommended list of anti-racist books for our children.
Anyway we'll leave poor Ms Fine (she got the name from her lefty ex-husband Kit Fine, predictably a lefty Philosopher.)

We are forgetting the theme of this article - Buster Books - owned by Michael O'Mara has refuse to bow to such pressure.
Says Mr. O'Mara -
“It’s a fact of life how a very large percentage of people shop when buying for kids, do it by sex. We know for a fact that when they are shopping on Amazon, they quite often type in ‘books for boys’ and ‘books for girls,” Mr O’Mara told The Independent.
“All boys don’t like one thing and all girls the other, but the fact is lots of boys like the same things and lots of girls like the same things. We can’t ignore the fact that they are definitely different.”

Well said Michael O'Mara and long may your children's books sell and swim against the tide of Politically Correct horror!

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