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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Cowardly council refuse Lee Rigby Memorial

 Many thanks to Brighton NF for providing this information.
The parents of murdered Fusilier Lee Rigby have requested that a permanent monument be built on the spot where the young soldier so brutally lost his life. Greenwich and Woolwich Council, led by one Nick Raynsford refused, citing ironically that it might attract “extremists.”

This is obviously an affront, it was extremists who murdered Lee, as well they know. It is also a great insult when you think about the monument and paving stone for the criminal Steven Lawrence, the yearly reminders, and the life peerage for his mother. The Church will probably canonise “Lady Lawrence” one day.

We the people of Great Britain DEMAND, that Lee Rigby is remembered as the victim of Muslim Extremists, and that a monument is erected in the appropriate place. Labour MPRaynsford is easily contacted. Here is how: Nick Raynsford MP | Contact Me | IWC2
A Lee Rigby Memorial Petition has been started HERE

Here's whatwe know about this Red Labourite -
He is the son of the late Wyvill Raynsford and Patricia Raynsford (née Dunn) and brought up at Milton Manor in Milton Malsor, a village just outside the town of Northampton. He was educated at Repton School and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, from where he graduated with a BA degree in History in 1966. He also has a Diploma in Art and Design from the Chelsea School of Art.
At university Raynsford was rusticated (suspended) for a year for night climbing. In the course of this he had displayed a banner against the Vietnam War between the pinnacles of King's College Chapel
e married Anne Jelley in 1968, and they had three daughters. They were divorced in 2011, and he is now the husband of Alison Seabeck, the Labour MP for Plymouth Moor View. Raynsford's ancestry can be seen in Burke's Landed Gentry.

Nick Raynsford, a typical 'suck up to the Muslim vote' Red Laborite, irefusing to allow a permanent memorial at the scene of Lee Rigby’s murder, despite the pleas of his family, because they say it might “attract extremists.”
In a letter seen by The Telegraph Lyn Rigby, Fusilier Rigby’s mother, said a permanent memorial in Woolwich “is something very important to me and the rest of our family.
A beautiful and loving memorial for Lee would provide some comfort to my family to know that he will never be forgotten.”
Fusilier Rigby, 25, was hacked to death by two Islamic extremists in the garrison town almost exactly a year ago.
However, the local MP, Nick Raynsford, opposes a memorial in Woolwich, saying in a letter to campaigners that it “would not in my view be helpful” because it “might attract undesirable interest from extremists.”

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