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Thursday 29 May 2014



That was the reaction from the old parties as right leaning Parties won many seats to the European Parliament.
But what did the Politicians expect? These Politicians have betrayed the indigenous Europeans for many years, flooding our lands with peoples from the continents of Africa, India, Asia and the rest of the third world.
Although these were Elections to the European Parliament most people used them as a protest vote against immigration.
When we look at UKIP’s vote in both the European and UK local elections we see a massive increase but what we also see is that there are still a huge amount of British people that do give a damn about the colonization of their towns and cities.
Of course UKIP was a safe vote, people cast their vote and believe they have done their bit; they can sleep well now believing they put their cross against a Party that will end immigration.
UKIP now have 23 MEP’s but nothing will change!
Many of the local Councillors they had elected will resign within the first 12 months when they realise how boring local Council work is and they are not in the chamber debating stopping immigration but instead debating the cleaning up of dog dirt and household rubbish collections.
In France we saw Marine Le Pens Front National receive 25% of the vote, many people will see the Front National of France and the National Front here in the UK as the same kind of Party but let me make one thing clear, the Front National of France are more akin to the BNP as they are a multi-racial party, also many of the Front National's policies regarding certain ethnic groupings are way behind National Front policies.
And of course the Front National scrapped their policy of compulsory repatriation many years ago.
In Denmark we see the Danish Peoples party take 23% of the vote, The DPP stood on an anti Islam and anti-immigration platform.
Most heartening for us as racial nationalists should be the results of Greece’s Golden Dawn and the NDP in Germany.
Golden Dawn took 9.3% of the vote and the NDP did enough to have one MEP elected.
There were of course other good anti-immigration votes in other European Countries.
Many people in my own town have asked me why I didn’t stand in both the European and Local elections this year.
Well the local elections were an internal issue which hopefully will be resolved by next year, we were going to be standing a higher number of candidates than we have done for many years, unfortunately our candidates were deprived of their democratic right because of one mans over inflated ego. 

                                       I hope this man is proud of himself!
       (Has-been Chairman, Ian Edward - trying to destroy the National  Front)

Several of our members took the decision to stand as independents in the local elections; I would like to congratulate them. Well done all.
As for the European elections, while we congratulate our comrades that did well overseas in these elections, it is National Front policy not to stand in these elections.
We see the way to total power and total withdrawal from the EU through our own UK Parliament and the will of the British people.

I do believe that because of the success of UKIP and the support they have from the media and also the damage done by Nick Griffin, that as racial nationalists we are back at first base, all the many years of hard work by many good nationalists have been squashed.
At a time when the British people were crying out for leadership and direction one man through his many bloopers turned those millions of would be voters away from racial nationalism and paved the way for UKIP.

What we do see though now in the National Front is many of those hard-core nationalists, those that have put in many years of graft they are still here and they are here in the National Front with us.

As the saying goes “from small acorns” well we have to build, we have to grow, we have to stay solid and be there for the British people when Farage the Tory and also the state decide it is time to destroy UKIP.
What we can take heart with though is that there is still a ground swell of white British people that will vote for anti-immigration policies.
One day these people will turn to Britain’s oldest racial nationalist party - THE NATIONAL FRONT!

Kevin Bryan
National Front.

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