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Wednesday 4 June 2014

Analysis: UKIPism is Globalism masquerading as Nationalism

Analysis: UKIPism is Globalism masquerading as Nationalism
by Nemesis
Now the dust has finally settled, it’s time to take stock of the recent election results.
The only surprising thing about UKIP’s strong showing is that anyone should have found it surprising at all: Nigel Farage, the Establishment’s pet Nationalist, has been wined, dined and given free, unlimited media coverage by the very liberal elite he purports to despise! Farage is not even a civic Nationalist; he is a reactionary right-wing Tory who hero worships the late Mrs T. He is a populist without an ideology or an agenda, and his stance is entirely a reactive, not a proactive one.
Farage’s comments on welcoming immigrants and stopping the BNP are a matter of public record. While REAL nationalists have opposed the EU from the very start, UKIPers have jumped on a bandwagon set in motion by the hard work of others. Likewise, they have cynically milked the anti-immigration card for all it’s worth (having never raised the subject previously).  UKIP is a political magpie; it steals the slogans and policies of long-founded Nationalist parties then reaps rewards it doesn’t deserve.
UKIP would take us out of the EU frying pan only to throw us into the Globalist fire; the only antidote to Internationalism is Nationalism – not another form of Internationalism. UKIPism is Globalism masquerading as Nationalism; it’s just a more subtle and less obvious form (albeit one cloaked in pseudo-Nationalist rhetoric).
The only good thing to be said about UKIP is that the party is preferable to the other three.
What these results do prove, however, is the enormous potential that exists out there for REAL Nationalists to tap into – if only they can get their act together.  UKIP only triumphed because we failed. It shows that an independent party can ‘break the mould’, even with the first past the post system.
However, UKIP has raised expectations that it cannot possibly deliver: Millions of UKIP voters have been conned into thinking the party ‘will do something about immigration’, but they are going to be bitterly disappointed – and angry - when this fails to materialise. That presents REAL Nationalists with a great opportunity to stage a come back; something we must prepare for.
 In the past, Nationalist leaders won public support only to lose it subsequently because they lost their nerve and backtracked on core beliefs.  That is a mistake which must not happen again.
Stopping/curbing immigration is no longer enough; the process has to be reversed if Britain is to remain a British nation. Our national survival demands nothing less; there is no other option. That’s the central message which needs ramming home. However, it’s a point that neither UKIP, nor the BNP, will accept.
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the fun: Cowardly UKIP will capitulate and crumble as it comes under ever increasing pressure from the liberal elite to demonstrate how politically-correct it is; UKIPers will bend over backwards, perform somersaults and jump through every kind of hoop just to prove how ‘anti-racist’ they are, and how much they much they abhor ‘racists’ and ‘racism’ of all kinds, etc. They will be bullied into accepting multiculturalism – which they don’t want anymore than anyone else - because they simply haven’t got the backbone to stand up to the forces promoting it.
When the UKIP bubble finally bursts – and burst it inevitably will – the NF must be around to win over their disaffected and disillusioned supporters; UKIP’s demise could turn out to be our salvation.

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