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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Kent Labour 'Outrage' and response by Nemesis

Following the recent visit to a  mosque in Kent by members of Britain First, the leader of the local Labour Party and a prospective parliamentary Labour candidate  succumbed to a severe bout of (very selective) moral indignation.

'Nemesis' responds:-

Yet again I see you've taken to your well-worn soapboxes to denounce the iniquities of 'racism'.
Would this be a reference to the local housing association that discriminated in favour of Asians, by any chance? Or to the scumbag private landlord who no longer takes in British tenants, or to countless other well documented cases of anti-White racism?
I don't recall hearing your protests about any of these. Evidently not: When the victims are White & British  they are of no interest  to you or your ilk.
I see you've also wasted valuable column space in the local paper with your silly little letter: Judging from the signatories I gather it's from the usual ragbag collection of Marxist malcontents & misfits.

Regarding its subject matter - building mosques -  why should there be any in this country anyway?  How many churches are there in Moslem countries? (ie  ones that have not been converted into mosques or burned down). It simply beggars belief how you can reconcile your so-called 'equal rights' agenda by defending an institution which breads fanatical Jihadists!
And why should atheistic Marxists  - who tell us 'religion is the opium of the people'  - want to rub shoulders with Moslem fanatics in the first place? (To get their votes presumably). 
'Anti-racism' is just a euphemism for anti-White: You've no objection to any other racial group wanting to preserve its ethnic integrity - it only becomes a crime (in your eyes) when its done by White Europeans.
 And 'Multi-culturalism' is just a euphemism for ethnic-cleansing: a polite word for turning indigenous White Brits into a minority in their own country.

I used to think treason was the most heinous crime, but genocide is even worse: Your party  - and the other two - are guilty on both counts. Pity they abolished capital punishment - the hangman would have been very busy.

Thought you might be interested in the following quote; it's from  RACE TRAITOR magazine  (you can check this online if you want, I'm not making it up). Your Marxist mentor and guru Noel Ignatiev  - who also calls himself an 'anti-racist'  -  says:
"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed - not 'deconstructed' but destroyed... Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
Would this be your agenda too? Time to come out of the closet gentlemen: Stop hiding behind your puerile 'anti-racist' rhetoric and tell us what you REALLY believe in - if you've got the guts to.

I wondered what your constituents would make of all this. Maybe somebody should tell them.
PS: And I challenge you to substitute the words Black or Asian (or whatever) for White in the above quote .......I think you know very well what the outcome would be.

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