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Monday 16 November 2015

Our campaign for Horst Mahler by Richard Edmonds

Below is Richard Edmond's speech and appeal to the London Forum on Saturday.....


We are attempting to raise awareness in the English-speaking world of the cruel fate suffered by the German lawyer, Horst Mahler, sentenced to twelve years in prison for the expression of his non-violent views.

On Saturday, 14. November 2015, a very successful meting of the London Forum was held. Below is the speech that I made. In particular we also gave publicity at the London Forum to the very brave German revisionist-heroine, Ursula Haverbeck (aged 87, but wonderfully active) who  was sentenced to a ten month jail-sentence earlier in the  week. At the same time she was given leave to appeal, so at the moment she is a free woman; also the mass-circulation newspaper, Bild Zeitung [literally -Picture newspaper] put Ursula H. on the front page  as the "Nazi grandmother" - we have the newspaper. 

Regards, Richard.
There follows my speech at the London Forum:

We are talking here of the ordeal suffered by the German lawyer, Horst Mahler, jailed by a German court to twelve years of imprisonment for the expression of his non-violent views. Horst Mahler does not accept the standard version of the history of the Second World War. In particular Horst Mahler disputes the claims of the so-called Holocaust: the allegation that the Germans murdered millions of Jews during the course of the Second World War. And it is precisely as a lawyer, with stacks of forensic, scientific, objective evidence to hand, that Mahler makes his case that there is nothing to substantiate this notorious allegation of mass-murder. 

Mahler's case is based on the findings of Historical Revisionism, that is, the exposure of the so-called Holocaust as a propaganda-lie, invented and promoted by the British and American governments in an attempt to justify the Second World War. The endeavours to shine a bright light into the murky history of the Second World War are quite legal in Britain and in the United States of America, but in Germany a tyrannical, State-enforced censorship is implacably imposed on all those who would learn the truth of the so-called Holocaust.

Horst Mahler has experienced on his own person the harshness of this State-enforced censorship: for his efforts to find the truth of the “Holocaust”, he was sentenced to a term of twelve years of imprisonment; as of now he has spent six years confined in a prison cell; he is 79 years of age and his health is failing; he suffers from diabetes, as a consequence of which his left foot became gangrenous and needed to be amputated. At the present time he finds himself in a prison-hospital, learning how to walk with but one foot, and he is facing the prospect of spending another six years locked in a jail-cell.

I will say here that I identify completely with Mahler's position on the so-called Holocaust. I have spent forty years of my life investigating the allegation that the Germans murdered millions of Jews during the Second World War, and I have satisfied myself that the allegation is nothing but a propaganda-lie. In large part I base my opinions on the statements made by the world-acknowledged expert on the “Holocaust”, Professor Dr. Raul Hilberg of the University of Vermont, USA, when he appeared as an expert witness on this subject at a trial in North American in the 1980s: Professor Dr. Hilberg stated, as an expert witness, that he knew of no forensic, scientific, objective evidence to substantiate the claims of the so-called Holocaust: none at all.

The so-called “Holocaust” is a propaganda-lie invented and promoted by the governments of Great Britain and the United States of America to justify the Second World War and to justify the post-1945 political settlement of the world that resulted from that war. In the contemporary world, ever since 1945, which ever way one looks, one is confronted by the propaganda-lie of the “Holocaust”.

If one questions the justification of the Second World War, the most destructive war in history during the course of which sixty millions lost their lives and at the end of which the cities of central Europe were smoking ruins with millions as refugees and millions more starving; and at the end of that war Great Britain was bankrupt and forced to beg for loans from the USA in order that the British people also did not literally starve; if one raises these questions, then every mouth-piece of the Establishment, the politicians, the media, Academia, the Churches, the Trade Unions, the Left, the so-called Conservatives all clamour with one voice: “Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust, the Germans were murdering millions of Jews, we had to fight the Second World War”; all lies, intended to justify the most destructive war in our history.

If one opposes mass-immigration, the same Establishment mouth-pieces all clamour ”that's Racism, that's Hatred, that leads to Auschwitz and to the gas-chambers.” I'll give a notorious example of this technique being employed. Enoch Powell spoke for millions when gave his famous warning to the British people, “We must be mad, literally mad to be permitting all these Third-worlders to pour into Britain. The nation is piling up its own funeral-pyre.” But the reaction from the Establishment was not long in coming. The left-wing Labour MP, Tony Benn denounced Powell in the House of Commons and accused Powell of “ walking along the path that leads to Auschwitz....” All lies and a blood-libel on the British people.

If one regrets the setting up of the Zionist State of Israel, and one deplores all the wars in the Middle East, the past, present and future wars consequent on the setting up of the Zionist State, then comes the justification: ”Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust: the Germans and the Europeans are mass-murdering maniacs.” All disgusting lies. The fact is that the Zionist State was founded on a fraud.

Our modern world is dominated by the propaganda-lie of the “Holocaust” before which we are to bow down and before which we are to sacrifice all that is dear to us: Justice, the Truth and our very future as a white, European people. Horst Mahler understands all this very clearly; and he understands that the only way to combat this propaganda-lie is to stand up publicly and to denounce it as such. Mahler also understands to his great credit that to challenge effectively such a propaganda-lie so deeply embedded in society and so viciously enforced by the ruling regime, one is required personally to pay a very high  price.

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