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Wednesday 21 September 2016

Milo on the Alt Right

Milo_Yiannopoulos I am not one to champion the rights of homosexuals, so seeing the video in this post may shock some of you. However, I am not small minded enough to close to my mind to the fact that a Populist Movement - The Alt Right - sparked by the ongoing progress of Donald Trump's campaign, is growing in the USA and growing fast.....as a serious shock to the liberal-democrats ( who are neither liberal nor democratic).
I am a White Nationalist - I am told I am a hard line one. I would certainly re-criminalise homosexuality in Great Britain.
However, Milo Yiannopoulos, though not exactly material for the NF, his play on being
outrageous works for me because if you watch this video you will see how someone one expect to be an enemy is drastically undermining the entrenched American Establishment - corrupt and rotten as it is.
And for me - I hope Trump wins. The prospect of four years of that evil witch being in charge of the USA gives one a terrible shudder...

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