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Friday 20 July 2018

Every picture tells a story.....new film by Alexander Baron

It’s often been said that every picture tells a story. Here is a recent one. Although this is clearly a montage, what is it telling you? The evil, wicked, racist Donald Trump takes pleasure in inflicting pain on asylum seekers, especially on the young and vulnerable.
Here is another photograph, one that has not been staged: the message is a two year old boy has been drowned because of the wicked, racist policies of those evil, white Europeans.
At one time they used to show us photographs like this to brainwash both the young and not-so-young into accepting uncontrolled immigration into Europe, but eventually the sheeple began to wise up, especially when they realised the same people who were so horrified about what happened at Belsen during the Second World War had no qualms about inflicting these horrors on innocent people.

Here is a picture that tells an horrific story. This is a young Cambodian girl named
Long Pros. According to Nicholas Kristof writing for The New York Times, January 3, 2009, she was 13 and hadn’t even had her first period when a young woman kidnapped her and sold her to a brothel in Phnom Penh. The female brothel owner beat her and tortured her with electric current until she agreed to have sex with men.

Then the woman gouged out her right eye with a piece of metal. This is as shocking a story of inhumanity to an innocent young girl as anyone could wish to hear. It is also a pack of lies. Here is the truth, one that shows the best rather than the worst of humanity.

One should of course feel sorry for Long Pros, the poor girl has after all lost an eye, but we should exercise a little critical faculty any time we hear a sob story with or without accompanying pictures.

This woman is Amina Muse, she had a real sob story to tell. She was gang-raped in
Somalia, and saw her brother murdered, at least, that is what she told the UK authorities.
The only problem is, she was actually living in Sweden at the time.

In January 2011, she was given a four and a half year sentence at Harrow Crown
Court for a massive fraud. It remains to be seen if her real name is Amina Muse or if she has ever been to Somalia.

In the United States, this bloke, Bright Erhmwemma, would be called an undocumented worker. In the UK he was called an illegal immigrant.

“No one is illegal!”, they cry.

Even when they prey on vulnerable women?

Here is another asylum seeker. This woman took the legal route to American citizenship,
but that citizenship was revoked in 2013 when it was revealed....that’s right, she took an active part in the Rwandan genocide.

Every nation should have the right to defend its borders, and to protect its citizens from murderers, rapists, or plain undesirables. Like the mother who dragged this young girl all the way up from Honduras against the wishes of her husband, the child’s father.

And the father who caused the death of his son by taking him out in an inflatable boat hoping eventually to reach Canada, even though he had been granted asylum in Turkey.

Here is another photograph about the manufactured Southern border crisis, showing
kids held in cages like animals. One senior Democrat actually cried for the camera when he saw this, but this is a photograph taken under the Obama Administration.

And here is the truth rather than the hysteria; this is Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch in their weekly report, for July 13, 2018 explaining what has really been happening with these poor chil’len.

All we hear, all we ever hear, from the left, and increasingly from the Democratic
Party is: racism, racism, racism.

Curiously, Mexico doesn’t tolerate illegal immigrants. This is what happens to so-called asylum seekers in Thailand. And don’t even think of applying for asylum in Japan.

What do Mexico, Thailand and Japan have that Western nations don’t? The real
question is, what do we have they don’t? The answer is of course white guilt.

We’re supposed to feel guilty about our white privilege, and for the crimes committed against minorities in the past: real and imagined.

The White Man owes asylum seekers, so-called. He owes them his wealth. He owes them his land. He owes them his women.

We are constantly reminded of this. How many times have you seen pictures of starving African babies? Well guess what, they were showing us pictures like this in the 1960s. And this is the White Man’s fault because...

The lunatics of the far left, and that is what they are, lunatics, would gladly see Europe over-run by tens of millions of Africans, and America by tens or even hundreds of millions of so-called asylum seekers from Central America, Africa, and God knows where else. White Americans are not happy with this, nor are an increasing number of blacks, who let’s face it have often had a raw deal, not because of so-called racism, but because of the way they’ve been used and exploited by the Democrats.

What will happen to Europe and America if these insane leftists get their way? Look
around you, look at the technology we take for granted every day. Was this developed by Africans? Did a Kenyan invent the computer; did a Ugandan invent the internal combustion engine or the electric generator? Did Nigeria put a man on the Moon?

We must stop this madness now, for all our sakes. This woman may call us deplorables, but this is where she lives. This is just one of her homes.

It’s time to end white guilt. And this left wing incited bloodless genocide.

Every picture tells a story, but that story may be just that, a story, or even a fairy tale.

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