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Monday 30 September 2013


When the in Belfast Peace Agreement was signed on Good Friday, 10 April 1998, one condition was that the IRA were to lay down their weapons and their members are encouraged to join Sinn Fein, the British tabloids, predictably were declaring in banner headlines ‘Peace at last as IRA gives up armed struggle!" To this the National Front says exactly what a lot of other patriots in Ulster have said every time Sinn Fein/IRA have declared cease fire – absolute rubbish - bombs are still going off and shootings continue, usually attributed to 'rogue IRA splinter cells' (Let's everyone off the hook!). This is just a mere ploy by SF/IRA to make themselves respectable. It came over to Gerry Adams in the USA s few years when arch-hypocrite the then President Bush deliberately snubbed him the day after the IRA had murdered yet another innocent person.
How long have we waiting for these ‘peace initiatives’ to take effect? How many have we had? How long have the IRA been promising to ‘decommission’ their big weapons caches? And the even bigger con in this latest move is that the Army Council of the IRA, its supreme command, have told it’s active service units not to get rid of EVERY weapon but to keep some. If they are genuine in their feeling for an end to the terror they have brought about for over thirty years in the British province of Ulster then why keep any weapons at all? What about the Continuity IRA and the Real IRA? Will they heed the new call for peace? Very doubtful.
The National Front makes one thing very clear. As far as we are concerned, Sinn Fein/IRA will always be a threat to British interests and the Loyalist people of embattled Ulster. This current trick is to lure the ever gullible British misgovernment into conceding even further to the Republicans.
Now we have nothing against Catholics or the people of Eire. We have many Catholic members and keep in touch with genuine White Nationalists in Eire. However the so-called peace keeping parties of Northern Ireland are not do not have the good of Ulster or Ireland for that matter, they are all committed to unrestricted immigration, as all sorts of immigrants, legal and illegal flood in.
SF/IRA are not Nationalist our sense at all but left-wing agitators who would take their precious ‘United Ireland’ straight into the arms of a One World Government where Irish sovereignty which they claim to cherish would quickly disappear. They are also multi-racialist and encourage and say nothing against the mass immigration of non-Europeans into Eire and Ulster! So much for their ‘Nationalism’!
The National Front is already established in Ulster with a growing number of members and supporters – many Ulster loyalists read our weekly e-newspaper 'The White Nationalist'. For many decades, the mainland White Nationalists have been trying with varying degrees of success to establish a base in Ulster. The NF achieved some success in the mid-seventies as did the White Nationalist Party only a few years back. Clearly there is a need for an organization that can span the Irish Sea and unite the White Loyalist patriots with their comrades on the mainland.
For those who say that the Ulster people will see a ‘Nationalist’ organisation as being akin to their Republican foes, we say that’s a poor argument and is an insult to the intelligence of the Loyalist people of Ulster, the most politically aware group of Britons in the UK. The old Loyalist groupings are looking tired and the constant in-fighting has weakened them greatly. The NF is determined to establish itself as the premier White Nationalist organisation in Ulster – so to all Ulster Loyalists we say join the NF today and build up the mass movement we need in Ulster and throughout the UK.
Ulster stays British! Oppose the SF/IRA con game for what it is – the selling out of Ulster through the back door

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