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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Who will hold a concert for Christina Edkins?

As we are bombarded on our televisions by yet another add-on to the ever expanding 'Stephen Lawrence' industry, the trial was being concluded over the murder of Christina Edkins.
As the 'pop stars' warbled their hideous melodies and cried crocodile tears for the Stephen Lawrence Foundation, were they also thinking of a poor sixteen year old girl was on her way to school during the morning rush hour when she was killed in the "random attack" on Birmingham's Hagley Road, six months ago.
Phillip Simelane, 23, who has a history of mental illness, was sentenced to be detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act after entering the plea at Birmingham Crown Court.
He had been released unsupervised from prison despite warning signs over the state of his mental health and questions are being asked about how authorities dealt with his case.
Will they ask the question WAS THIS A RACIST MURDER? Somehow we doubt it! The latest is they are putting it down to him being bullied at school.
Incredible! This was an anti-White racist murder.

Will we see a Christina Edkins Foundation? Will Christine's parents receive large amounts of cash?
Will we see Christina Edkins parents given Honorary Degrees from a leading university?
Will we see Christina Edkins parent being made into Barons so they can sit in the House of Lords?
The answer is NO, apart from a few passing references to Christine's family made by the judge at the end of a trial in which she sent the Black murderer away for life at the Secretary of States discretion. Like may other victims who are White as Christine was, she will fade from the memory of the public unlike another racist murder - which was of course is condemnable as all murders are - but how many murders have produced spin off Foundations? Or better still how many anti-White victims of murder will get the overkill the media is giving the Stephen Lawrence one? Or is Stephen Lawrence's unjustifiable murder being hijacked for political multi-racialist reasons?
Simelane and his victim - young Christine
Christina Edkins, the National Front
has not forgotten you!

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