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Friday, 13 September 2013

Subscribe to CANDOUR - it's a damned good read

The Nationalist Sentinel Blog has a good working relationship with the Comrades who run both the Candour site and also produce the magazine Candour.
As you can see from the above site snapshot, Candour magazine has being going since 1953, when it was launched by A.K Chesterton.
At that time Candour was the publication which supported 'The League of Empire Loyalists'.
Fourteen years later, as the L.E.L merged with other groups to form the National Front, Candour became one of our party newspapers whilst retaining, of course, its independence.

I can well remember, our newly formed Leeds Branch National Front, led by that great local stalwart Phil Stone, now passed on, ordering 20 copies of Candour and 50 copies of the other paper which supported the NF, 'Combat', the more street-wise newspaper whose editor was John Bean. Unfortunately John Bean left the NF after a couple of years and retreated from the battle, resurfacing only in the past few years as one of Griffin's top exponents, a role I am sure John is now regretting as he is a leading member of the ill-fated (you'll see!!!), British Democratic Party. The BDP being a collection of honest Nationalists sucked into the now almost dead BNP, with the false lies and promises of the truly dreadful Nick Griffin. The rest of the BDP is made of people who should know better treading that failed dismal 'Populist' line which even though it has spectacularly failed, these poor unfortunates still follow,
I digress. Candour was well supported mutually by the members of the NF and I can remember  cold Winter evenings selling Candour door-to-door in East Leeds - and not stopping until I had sold the last issue!
Candour was aimed at the serious British Nationalist whereas Combat was for mass distribution. (Eventually, after John Bean's mysterious desertion of the Movement, we replace Combat with the tabloid style National Front News).
Comrade Rob from Candour has very kindly sent me a number of back issues and I am happy to say that Candour has lost none of its vigour and vitality and you could do a lot worse than taking out a subscription. The Candour site can be found HERE
Candour is available by subscription from :
The A.K. Chesterton Trust, BM Candour, London, WC1N 3XX. 
(E-mail akctrust@yahoo.co.uk)
UK £25, Europe 40 Euros, Rest of the World £35, USA/Canada $50 (All Airmail) per 10 issues.

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