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Thursday, 12 September 2013

Thoughts of the day

Thoughts of the day - many and myriad...

Reading the paper and came yet again across a word I really hate - 'Eurosceptic'.
It labels anyone who wants to get the UK out of Europe with a tag that sounds like something you'd rub on a boil.
Nick Griffin, in one of his many of his incarnations, produced the rather good book -"Who are the Mindbenders". OK - yes, the guy is rat-fink but "The Mindbenders" is still a very eye opening read. Which then brings me back to that 'eurosceptic' word.
They are not just bending our minds, they are twisting our words too.
I though of some alternatives, and the best I can come up with 'Britain Outers' or maybe 'No-euro'ers'. Its difficult because of course I am suffering from "Europhobia".
Just re-reading Lincoln Rockwell's book "White Power". This is a brilliantly written book and an absolute MUST for all White Nationalists!
Its available from Amazon - I urge you to get one now.
On the subject of using the term "White Power", it was one we used a lot back in the day, but one we never use these days. If anyone this is of a legalist leaning, can they please tell me if using 'White Power' breaks the Race Act (as everything else seems to do as well).
I have nearly finished this week's "The White Nationalist" and will be sending it out tomorrow. We are at Number Nine now - so if you haven't subscribed yet, then get too it - email nationalistfreepress@gmail.com
Good to see all those bikers descend on Washington in unbelievable numbers yesterday - the anniversary of 9/11. Obama issued a permit to a Fundamentalist Muslim group but refused one to the 100% White motorcyclists who wanted to protest the fact that Islamics were going to march through Washington on the anniversary of 9/11 - the irony is - the Muslim group which got the permit has only  eight members!

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