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Saturday 28 December 2013

British kids will be FORCED to learn Chinese

Thanks to David "China" Cameron, your children will be FORCED to learn Mandarin/Chinese rather  than French or German. Obviously Cameron, an internationalist whose love for his own country varies depending upon how big his expense account is, has given up on any possibility that Great Britain will ever have a manufacturing industry again.
Thanks to Cameron and the 'leaders' (leeches) who have gone before him, we are now being flooded with Chinese cheap goods, both real and counterfeit. British workers cannot compete with the 1p an hour the Chinese get over there, nor can British manufactures compete with Chinese industries running on near slave labour.
Cameron is putting more Britons on the scrap-heap and closing more businesses than any enemy ever did in wartime.
Cameron's point is that our children will be able to converse better in a near-future world dominated by the Chinese industrial giant.
Cameron has NO scruples; no ethics and is typical of the smooth talking 'wide-boys' such as Blair and Major who have formed a privileged elite which is above party politics and ensures that whichever party wins, we will have a cheap conman as a Prime Minister.
We need to get out of the EU and start to regain the position we once held as the 'workshop of the world'.
The British have been responsible for more inventions than any other nation on this Earth. We produce the best scientists, doctors, computer programmers, engineers and lead the field in most branches of research DESPITE the terrible conditions a series of traitors foist upon us.
There is only ONE solution - the dismantling of the internationalist liberal state and the creation of a White Nationalist one and the only Movement that has ANY chance of bringing that about is the National Front!

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