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Saturday, 15 August 2015

Financing The National Revolution

Let's hope the above picture doesn't offend Islam...
Financing The National Revolution
Unlike the almost defunct BNP, the National Front does not constantly badger it's members and supporters for donations. 
In the hay day of Griffin's reign of usury and corruption,  the BNP were employing a set of staff in an office in Ulster - their task? There task was the worst form of telemarketing one can imagine. 
I was on the BNP list of possible donors and some days I received no less than SIX different emails asking me to DONATE! DONATE! DONATE!
In between the slick Americanised market lingo were donate buttons - scores of them. I was also asked to provide my home address to receive 'special bulletins from the Chairman himself '
I was offered a bewildering level of Membership schemes which read like a usurious 'Ponzi Racket'.
From ordinary members right up to Life Membership, my (never tested!) commitment to the BNP & presumably it's constantly shifting ideology was measured purely in how much cash they could squeeze out of me.
I am surprised that they hadn't come up with a scheme to enrol dead relatives into membership to ensure they had an ethereal BNP Membership card in Paradise. In a way they were and still are.
With just a few hundred members left, the current people running the BNP are hanging on to the name to ensure that the well intentioned  people who left cash in their wills, actually die so the cash driven shysters now sitting in the vacated chair of their ex-leader Nick Gri££in scanning the obituary columns, can keep themselves well paid with all expenses of course. 
I have gone on at some length as to how a once ideologically dedicated Movement of Racial - Nationalists were transformed into a money making operation of which the Las Vegas Mafia would have been proud.
The National Front has never operated like that and it never will.
This however doesn't mean we don't desperately need donations, we do - but not for lavish black tie dinners where for an extra £500 you got to sit at the Leader's table (this isn't fictional by the way ).
No, the NF urgently needs money for important things such as expanding our Party newspaper "Britain First " into a monthly instead of a bi - monthly.  We now have a two roomed office thanks to the generosity of one of our newer members.  That office needs staffing.  At the moment it's in use when Party members can get time after work to carry on the rapid expansion currently engulfing the reborn Movement. 
They are just two examples - two - but two important ones. 
We do have quite a number of members and supporters who do give regularly often through direct debits what they can afford. 
The NF is eternally grateful for those donations but they cannot cover the expansion of our Movement. 
We are building a legal White Revolution in this country with the goal of replacing the pimps, perverts and paedophiles who now infest our Government & the higher levels of our Civil Service, with decent honest White men and women. 
To take that further - that National Revolution must take place - through the ballot - from the streets & from a myriad other activities designed to stop the genocidal destruction of the White Race. 
With the stakes never been higher you can help us turn the Movement into a well run, professional fighting organisation that will ensure the existence of our Race and a future for White children. 
You can donate through the Pay Pal button on our website.  You  can add a voluntary donation to your membership.  You can post donations to our HQ PO Box. 
Every penny we receive takes some stress from our Front line lads and lasses who are our streets paying from their small incomes for the things they need to promote the NF. 
So give what you can and when you can. We will never become a disgusting money laundering operation such as Griffins BNP became, but because of that we trust YOUR commitment and dedication not by the amount you donate but by  the fact that you recognise that in helping the Front out financially you are saying to the White folk of Britain that you back a truly White Nationalist organisation.
Eddy Morrison

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