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Saturday, 8 June 2013

Just what CAN we say?

Back in the early 1960's, the then British National Party led by John Bean contested two council elections in Southall - and achieved a respectable result - 13.5% in Glebe Ward and 27.5% in Hambrough Ward. Their main campaign slogan was 'Keep Britain White'.
Now after decades of suppression by ever tighter Race and Religious 'Hatred' laws - the use of the slogan KBW (as was seen on many walls around London in those days) would guarantee you a jail sentence.
The term was TOO EFFECTIVE and got the BNP a lot of votes - and if you try using it now you would most definitely be breaking the Race Acts.

Since the first Race Relations Act in 1965, it has become ever more tyrannical with each successive rash of new laws -
  • The Race Relations Act 1965
  • The Race Relations Act 1968
  • The Race Relations Act 1976
  • The Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
  • (I have left the links in so you can study these oppressive pieces of legislation.)
    It is interesting to see which MP's have been behind most if not all anti-free speech legislation - a more anti-British set of neo-Communist Labourites and active Zionists were behind them. Greville Jenner, then a leading Jewish MP was a prime mover behind much of the legislation.

    This all begs the question -"Just what can White Nationalists say in their propaganda?"
    Is the term WHITE POWER illegal - nobody seems to know. Is the term 'White Pride' offensive - again when a White Nationalist tried to register copyright of this term in America he had it refused on the grounds it was racially offensive. The US government however HAS approved the following copyrights:-
    “African Pride,” “African Man Pride,” “Asian Pride,” “Bahama Pride,” “Black Pride,” “Brazilian Pride,” “China-Pride,” “Chippewa Pride,” “Choctaw Pride,” “Colombian Pride,” “Cuban Pride,” “Dakota Pride,” “Dominican Pride,” “El Salvador Pride,” “Ecuador Pride,” “Gay Pride Apparel,” “Guyanese Pride,” “Havana Pride,” “Honduran Pride,” “Indian Pride,” “Jamaica’s Pride,” “Jewish Pride,” “Kwanzaa Pride,” “Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride,” “Mayan Pride,” “Mexican Pride,” “Native Pride!,” “Nicaraguan Pride,” “Orgullo Hispano” (Hispanic Pride), “Orgoglio” (Hispanic–”Great Pride” (supremacy?)), “Qisqueya Pride” (Dominican Republic Pride), “Rainbow Pride Coach,” “Red Pride,” “San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride,” “Spanish Pride,” and “West Indian Pride.”

    White Pride - although not illegal the US Pro-Zionist government say no to its legal incorporation. I expect that if we tried to copyright White Pride and White Power in the UK, we would get refused, although Black Power and Asian Power - as well as the obnoxious 'Gay Pride' and 'Gay Power' - and this last one being almost compulsory!

    I have written on this whole subject at some length before and my article "The Death of Free Speech" can be found HERE.

    Be careful what you say in your leaflets and articles. The Race Laws and now the Religious 'Hatred' Laws are very underhand and both incorporate those dreaded words 'likely too cause'. In other words they are catch all laws to be used at the whim of our ZOG masters. So slogans such as KBW are now unusable - how long before we are fined or jailed for saying WHITE PRIDE or WHITE POWER?

    "The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely, but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used against them - except force."
    John Bryant

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